DEC. 1813.
CHAP. 148.
Passed Jan. 31, 1814. |
An Act for the relief of Susan O'Hara and Fielder Moore, of Anne-
Arundel County. Lib. TH. No. 4, fo. 189. |
Levy authorised
for their support. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the levy court of Anne-Arundel county, be and they are hereby
authorised and directed, to levy on the assessable property of said
county, the sum of thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance
of Susan O'Hara, and the further sum of thirty dollars, for the
support and maintenance of Fielder Moore, and that the said sums
be levied, collected and paid, under the direction of the levy court,
annually, to the said Susan O'Hara and to Fielder Moore, respectively,
so long as said court shall see fit. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1814. |
An Act to continue in force the Acts of Assembly which would expire
the present Session. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 189. |
Acts continued.
* Ch. 18. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
all such acts and parts of acts of assembly as would expire with the
present session of assembly, be and the same are hereby continued
until the twentieth day of November next, and to the end of the next
session of assembly which shall happen thereafter, except the act,
entitled, A further supplement to the act, entitled, An act for
regulating the mode of staying executions and repealing the acts of
assembly therein mentioned, and for other purposes, passed at May
session, eighteen hundred and thirteen*. |
Passed Jan. 29, 1814. |
An Act to authorise the Sale of certain Property therein mentioned.
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 190. A Private Act.
Sarah and Henry Guiton, administrators
of John Guiton, authorised to sell
the right in perpetuity of raising the water of a stream of the Great Falls
of Gunpowder,
on part of a tract of land called The Land of Promise. |
Passed Jan. 29, 1814. |
An Act for the benefit of Ann Matilda Hebb, an Infant Child of William
Hebb, of Prince-George's County. Lib. TH.
No. 4, fol. 191. A
Private Act. |
Passed Jan. 29, 1814. |
An Act for the benefit of the Infant Children of Gerard Briscoe,
of Charles County, deceased. Lib. TH.
No. 4, fol. 192. A Private
Act. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1814. |
An Act for the benefit of Priscilla Wilson, of Calvert County.
TH. No. 4, fol. 194. A Private Act.
See 1816, ch. 254. Authorised
to sell and convey all the property which belonged
to her at the time of her marriage, and all which has since descended to
her notwithstanding her coverture. |
Passed Jan. 31, 1814. |
An Act to incorporate a Company under the name and style of The
Caroline Manufacturing Company. Lib. TH. No.
4, fol. 194. |
Commissioners appointed
to receive
subscriptions. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
William Wheatley, William Hughlett, Frederick Holbrook, George |