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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1532   View pdf image (33K)
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DEC. 1813.

CHAP. 131.

Penalty for counterfeiting


                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

    5.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person whatsoever from
and after the first day of August next, shall cast, forge or counterfeit,
or cause or procure to be cast, forged or counterfeited, the
stamp or mark directed to be used in pursuance of this act for the
stamping of silver plate in the city of Baltimore, or shall mark or
stamp, or cause or procured to be marked or stamped, any wrought
plate of silver, or any wares of brass, or other base metal, silvered
over, or resembling silver, with any mark or stamp which hath
been or shall be forged or counterfeited at any time, either before,
on or after the said first day of August next, in imitation of, or to
resemble any stamp or mark directed to be used in pursuance of
this act, or shall transpose or remove, or cause or procure to be
transposed or removed, from one piece of wrought plate to another,
or to any vessel of such base metal as aforesaid, any stamp,
mark or impression, which may be made by or with any stamp or
mark, directed to be used in pursuance of this act, or shall sell,
exchange, or expose or offer for sale or exchange, any wrought
plate of silver, or any vessel of such base metal as aforesaid, with
any such forged or counterfeited stamp, mark or impression thereon,
or any stamp, mark or impression, which hath been or shall be
transposed or removed from any other piece of plate, knowing
such stamp, mark or impression, to be forged, counterfeited, or
transposed or removed as aforesaid, or shall wilfully or knowingly
have, or be possessed of, any mark or stamp which hath been
or shall be forged or counterfeited in imitation of, and to resemble
any mark or stamp to be used as aforesaid, every such person offending,
in any such or either of the cases aforesaid, being thereof
lawfully convicted, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred
dollars, to be disposed of as hereinafter is directed, and shall be
committed by the court in which judgment shall be given thereon
to the penitentiary of the state of Maryland, there to remain and
be kept at hard labour for any time not exceeding the space of five
years, nor less than one year, and until payment be made of the
said forfeiture.

Stamp duty.     6.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the assay officer aforesaid shall,
previous to the touching, assaying or marking, such silver plate
or manufactured silver, ask, demand and receive, for his own use,
of and from the person or persons whose property is required to
be touched, assayed and marked, six cents for every ounce of silver
plate or manufactured silver, and so in proportion for any
greater or lesser quantity which shall be brought to be touched,
assayed or marked as aforesaid, and shall give a receipt for the
same to the person or persons bringing such plate or manufacture.
Persons refusing
or neglecting to
pay duty.
    7.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or persons shall
refuse or neglect to pay such respective prices, sums or rewards,
as may by this act be demanded, and are hereby respectively required
to be paid on account of or for the purposes herein mentioned,
or if the silver plate, or manufactures of silver, brought to be touched,
assayed or marked, shall not be respectively stamped with the
initials of the name of the worker or marker thereof, that then, or
in either case, it shall be lawful for the assay officer to refuse to
assay, try or mark, all or any of the plate of such person or persons
neglecting to pay or mark as aforesaid, until such prices,
sums of money, or rewards as aforesaid, shall be actually paid, or

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1532   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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