3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the damages so ascertained
be paid, or secured to be paid, to the individuals concerned, by the
persons interested in the opening of the said road before the same
shall be opened. |
DEC. 1813.
CHAP. 31.
To be paid before
road is opened. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners,
or a majority
of them, are hereby directed to make out a plot of said road,
as laid out and marked by them, and return the same to the clerk
of Worcester county court, who shall record the same. |
A plot of the same
to be made out and
recorded. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the said road
shall be laid
out, cleared, opened, and made passable, the same shall for ever
thereafter be deemed and taken for a public road, and shall be kept
in repair in the same manner that other public roads are kept in
said county. |
When made passable
to be deemed
a public road. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the persons interested
in opening
the said road shall pay the reasonable expenses for laying out,
surveying and returning, a plot of the same. |
Persons interested
to defray expenses. |
An Act to establish a Bank, and incorporate a Company, under the
title of The Bank of Somerset.
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 26.
Supplements, 1814, ch. 72, and 1817, ch. 167. |
Passed Jan. 3, 1814. |
WHEREAS the interests of the state in general, and
the people of
Somerset in particular, may be greatly benefitted by the establishment
of a Bank at the town of Princess-Anne; therefore, |
Preamble. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
a Bank, to be called and know by the name of The Bank of Somerset,
shall be established at the town of Princess-Anne, in the
said county. |
Bank established. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the capital of
this Bank shall be
limited to two hundred thousand dollars, money of the United
States, to consist of two thousand shares of one hundred dollars
each. |
Capital. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That a book of subscription
for the
said capital shall be opened at Princess-Anne, under the direction
of Littleton Dennis, senior, John Stewart, Peter Dashiell, George
W. Jackson, William Williams, Zadock Long, senior, Josiah
Polk, jun. Charles Jones, George Jones and Matthias Dashiell, or
any two or more of them, on a day by them appointed for that purpose,
and notified in the most public places of the county, and elsewhere,
as shall seem most expedient to the commissioners aforesaid,
at least three weeks previous thereto, who shall meet on the day so
appointed for receiving subscriptions, at ten A. M. and continue
the same open till five P. M. and if the subscriptions shall exceed
the capital, the commissioners shall apportion the same among the
subscribers, by proportionate deductions, so that the whole be reduced
to the proper limit, but if the said subscriptions shall not be
filled on the first day, the commissioners aforesaid may adjourn
from day to day, during five days, exclusive of the first; and at
any time after the first day if the subscription shall be complete,
the commissioners shall close the book, and those who have previously
subscribed shall be entitled to stock in the said bank, from
each of whom the said commissioners at the time subscribing
shall exact the first instalment of two dollars on each share. |
Books for subscriptions
to be
opened. |