MAY 1813.
CHAP. 2.
Appointment of
bailiff. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the bailiff of the
said town may
be appointed by the commissioners at any time after giving ten days
notice of the time of the appointment by advertisement set up at
the court-house door in said town. |
Elections. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if an election
at any time shall not
be had at the times prescribed and directed by the original act, and
by this supplement, that an election in such case shall be made after
ten days notice thereof shall have been given by the person or
persons appointed and authorised to act as judge or judges of the
same. |
Passed May 20.
* 1804, ch. 51. |
A Further Additional Supplement to an act*, entitled, An act to
Companies to make several Turnpike Roads through
County, and for other purposes. Lib.
TH. No. 3, fol. 558. |
Baltimore and
Frederick turnpike
may be extended. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the president and directors of the Baltimore and Frederick-town
turnpike company, for the time being, be and they are hereby empowered
to extend the said turnpike road to Hager's-town and
William's-Port, or either of said towns, in Washington county, at
any time within the period of five years, under the same regulations
and restrictions, and entitled to the same tolls and immunities and
advantages, as they are authorised to take and receive by the act
to which this is a further additional supplement. |
Passed May 20. |
An Act for the relief of Peter A. Carns, of Saint-Mary's County.
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 558. |
Benefit of insolvent
laws extended
to him.
† Ch. 110. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the judges or any judge of Saint-Mary's county court be and they,
or any one of them, are hereby authorised and directed to extend to
Peter A. Carns the benefit and relief of the act of assembly, passed
at November session eighteen hundred and five †, entitled, An act
for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the supplements thereto,
without compelling him to produce the assent in writing of so
many of his creditors as have due to them the amount of two-thirds
of the debts due by him at the time of his application for
the benefit of this act, and without requiring proof of the said Peter
A. Carns having resided the two preceding years within the state
of Maryland; and to extend and to afford to the said Peter A.
Carns all the benefits, advantages and provisions, of the aforesaid
act, and the supplements thereto, in the same manner, and upon
the same terms and conditions, as if he had obtained the assent of
two thirds of his creditors to his release under the same, and produced
proof of his having resided the two preceding years within
the state of Maryland. |
Passed May 20. |
A Supplement to the Act ‡, entitled, An act to encourage
the Education
of Youth in Worcester County.
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 59. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS the trustees of the Union Academy, incorporated
the said act, were prevented from meeting on the first Wednesday
of April last; |