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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1412   View pdf image (33K)
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award of said jury to receive the same, and if said money shall be
accepted, or when tendered shall be refused, by the person or persons
in whose favour the same has been awarded, the commissioners
aforesaid are hereby authorised and directed to proceed to extend,
open and unite Holliday-street, in the manner and direction provided
by the act to which this is a supplement, any thing therein
contained to the contrary notwithstanding.

NOV. 1812.

CHAP. 188.

                                CHAP. CLXXXIX.
A Further Supplement to an act*, entitled, An act to enlarge the
    powers of the Commissioners of the Town of Havre-de-Grace. 
    TH. No. 3, fol. 532.

Passed Dec. 31.
*  1802, ch. 83.
    WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly by the petition
of a number of the inhabitants of Havre-de-Grace, in Harford
county, that the powers vested in the commissioners of said
town of Havre-de-Grace, by the existing laws, are inadequate to
the welfare and benefit of said town, and have prayed an extension
of their powers; and the same appearing to be proper, therefore,
    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of the town of Havre-de-Grace, for the time
being, and their successors, be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered to ask, demand and receive, from the former commissioners
of the said town, or from any other person or persons
in whose hands or possession the same may be, any monies, books
or papers, belonging to the said town of Havre-de-Grace, and upon
such demand and refusal to sue for and recover the same.
Monies, books, &c.
to be delivered
over to commissioners
of town.
    2.  AND whereas, there are public grounds belonging to said
town, which are at present idle and unproductive, and which would,
if rented out, be much to the interest of the said town, were the
same rented out; BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners of the
town of Havre-de-Grace, and their successors, be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, under the provisions of the several
acts to which this is a further supplement, to lease out, for
any term not exceeding seven years, any public grounds, shores
or fisheries, belonging to said town, and to apply the rents arising
from the same to the improvement of said town, in such manner
as to the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall seem
most advisable, and generally to do all and every legal act or acts
that may in their opinion be conducive to the interest and improvement
of the said town of Havre-de-Grace.
To least out public
grounds, shores
or fisheries.
    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That said rents shall be recoverable by
said commissioners in the same manner as rents due from tenant to
landlord are now recoverable by the laws of this state.
Rents, how to be
                                       CHAP. CXC.
An Act for the relief of Peter G. Clarke.  Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 533.

Passed Dec. 31.
    BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Peter G. Clarke, now in confinement in Baltimore county gaol,
shall be and he is hereby entitled to receive the benefit of the act †,
entitled, An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the
several supplements thereto, according to the terms and conditions
prescribed in said acts, without being obliged to furnish evidence
that he has resided two years within the state of Maryland.
Benefit of insolvent
laws extended
to him.

†  1805, ch. 110.

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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