NOV. 1812.
CHAP. 122.
Retailers licenses
—sum to be paid
therefor. |
and vicinity of Baltimore, and will be further increased by the
erection of the prison walls hereby authorised and directed, and
keeping the said prison and walls in repair thereafter, therefore,
BE IT ENACTED, That all and every person or persons who
shall hereafter apply for a licence to retail spirituous liquors within
the city of Baltimore, or within two miles of any of the limits
thereof, shall pay the sheriff of Baltimore county, for such licence,
the sum of sixteen dollars at the time of obtaining the same, and
five shillings to the clerk of the court in lieu of the sum not required
by law, and the same suns each and every year thereafter for
the renewal thereof. |
How to be applied. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sheriff of
Baltimore county
shall account for and pay over, in the manner now required by law,
the one half of the proceeds arising from such licences to the treasurer
of the western shore, and the other half thereof to the levy
court of Baltimore county. |
Seven to be a quorum
of levy court. |
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for all or any
of the purposes of
this act, seven members of the levy court shall be a sufficient quorum
to act, and a majority of members attending shall be necessary
on every vote relating thereto, and that all such acts or parts of
acts of assembly as are contrary to, and inconsistent with this act,
be and the same are hereby repealed. |
Passed Dec. 21. |
An Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Cambridge Academy.
TH. No. 3, fol. 462. |
Trustees incorporated
—their duties. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Dr. Edward White, Joseph E. Muse, John Murray, Joseph Dodson,
James Trippe, junior, Charles K. Bryan, Josiah Bayly, James
Steele, William B. Martin, Richard Pattison, Richard Goldsborough,
Richard Hayward, William M. Robertson, Charles Goldsborough,
John C. Henry, Thomas J. H. Eccleston, Isaac Charles,
and Fr. Dorcey Wyvill, be and they are hereby appointed trustees
of the Cambridge Academy; and the said trustees, and their successors,
to be elected in the manner hereinafter mentioned, shall
be and they are hereby erected, established and declared, to be one
community, corporation and body politic, with perpetual succession
in fact and in law, to all intents and purposes connected with the
said institution, by the name and style of The Trustees of the Cambridge
Academy, by which name and title the said trustees, and
their successors, shall be competent and capable at law or in equity,
to take and to hold to themselves, and their successors, for the
use of the said academy, any estate in lands and tenements, goods,
chattels, monies, stock or effects, by the gift, grant, bargain, sale,
conveyance, devise or bequest, of any person or persons whatsoever,
provided the same do not exceed in the whole the clear yearly
value of five thousand dollars, and the same to sell, convey, lease,
loan, or otherwise dispose of, for the use of the said academy, in
such manner as to them, or a quorum of them, shall seem most
beneficial to the institution. |
Vacancies, how to
be supplied. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That at all times for
ever hereafter,
when any vacancy or vacancies shall happen in the said community
of trustees, by the death, resignation, or refusal of any one or
more of the trustees thereof, or by the wilful neglect of any one or |