CHAP. 215. |
and orders, of the said corporation, and the same seal at their
pleasure to break, alter and renew. |
Professors, teachers,
&c. to be appointed.
Proviso. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees,
and their successors,
or a majority of them, from time to time, and at all times
hereafter, shall have full power and authority to constitute and appoint
professors, teachers and assistants, for instructing the students
and schools of the said academy in such sciences and
branches of education as they shall think proper and suitable to
be taught therein; and to make fundamental ordinances or regulations
for the good government of the said academy, and the instruction
of the youth as aforesaid; and by these ordinances to appoint
such number of their own body, not less than five, as they
may think proper, to be a quorum or committee for transacting all
general and necessary business of the said seminary, and making
temporary rules for the management thereof; and also by the said
ordinances to delegate to the said professors and teachers, such
powers and authorities as they shall think expedient for the standing
government and discipline of the said seminary, and the execution
of the regulations thereof; and also by the said ordinances
to make such regulations for the directions, visitation and examination,
of the said seminary, and the students and scholars therein,
as shall best promote the important objects of the institution; Provided
always, that the said ordinances be not repugnant to the constitution
and laws of this state. |
Meetings of trustees
of treasurer, &c. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees,
and their successors,
or a majority of them, shall meet at least twice in every
year in stated semi-annual meetings, to be appointed by their own
ordinances, and at such other times as by their said ordinances, or
by their own adjournments they may direct; and when so assembled,
they shall have power from time to time to appoint a president,
treasurer and secretary; to make contracts with the professors
or teachers relative to the instruction of the scholars in their learning;
to hear and determine on all complaints and appeals, and upon
all matters touching the discipline and government of the said
academy, and the execution of their ordinances; and generally to
manage the estate and concerns of the said seminary in such manner
as they shall deem best for the advancement and advantage of
the institution. |
Passed Jan. 7, 1812.
* 1805, ch. 113. |
An Additional Supplement to the act*, entitled, An act authorising
drawing of a Lottery to defray the expense of
building a Masonic
Hall in the City of Baltimore. Lib.
TH. No. 3, fol. 314.
Repealed, with the original act, by Nov. 1812, ch. 110. |
_____ |
Passed Jan. 7, 1812. |
An Act for the payment of the Journal of Accounts. Lib.
TH. No.
3, fol. 315. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of
this session,
that there is due from this state the sum of thirty-two thousand
six hundred and twenty dollars and twelve cents and one third of a
cent; |