four times a year for drill exercise; and each regiment shall meet
at least once every fall at such convenient time and place as the
lieutenant colonel may direct; and each squadron shall meet at least
once in every spring, and oftener if deemed necessary, within the
county in which such squadron may belong, at such convenient time
and place as the major or commanding officer of such squadron may
direct; and each troop shall meet at least eight times in a year, independent
of the regimental and squadron meetings, at such time
and place within this county as the commanding officer shall direct. |
CHAP. 213.
squadron, and
troop meetings. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the brigadier generals
of infantry
may call out that portion of the cavalry which are organized
within their respective brigade districts, to attend the brigade or
regimental meetings of infantry, provided they are not taken out
of the county where such troop or troops belong, without the consent
thereof; and such meetings of cavalry are to be considered as
a part of the eight troop meetings before prescribed by this act. |
of infantry may
call out cavalry. |
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the horse used
as a tooper, together
with the arms and other equipments belonging to an officer,
non-commissioned officer or private, of the cavalry of this state,
shall be free and exempt from taxation or execution.
See ch. 182, s. 51. |
Horses, &c. exempt
from taxation. |
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all persons who
have, or may in
future join the troops of cavalry already formed, or who may form
themselves into new troops after the passage of this act, shall be
authorised, through the commanding officer of his district, to require
of the governor and council the loan of a sword and pistol
for each and every such person, and the governor and council are
hereby authorised to make the loan, upon the commanding officer
of the troop giving bond with approved security to the state, for
the safe keeping and returning of the same when demanded by this
state. |
Troops may require
the loan of
swords and pistols
from the state. |
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the fines for
disobedience of orders, or unofficer like conduct, when on parade
or in uniform, shall be the same against cavalry officers as those
prescribed for the infantry, in the act to which this is a supplement. |
Fines against officers. |
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the fines against
privates shall
not exceed ten dollars, nor less than one dollar for each offence, to
be imposed by a court-martial, and collected agreeably to the provisions
of the act to which this is a supplement. |
Fines against privates. |
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissions
of the present
cavalry officers shall be and are hereby revoked, and new ones shall
be issued, attaching each officer to his respective regiment, squadron
or troop; Provided, that the new commissions shall bear the
same seniority by date, number or otherwise, that the old commissions
bear at the present time. |
Present commissions
to be revoked
and new ones issued. |
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the officers,
officers and privates, enrolled in any troop of horse, shall not be
permitted to quit the same under a penalty, if an officer, of fifty
dollars, a non-commissioned officer, of forty dollars, and if a private,
of twenty dollars, unless they have previously obtained the
consent of at least two thirds of the troop they may be so disposed
to quit, or shall have been discharged from such troop by the decision
of a court-martial, or shall remove out of the cavalry regimental
district. |
Penalty on persons
quitting troop
except in certain
cases. |