CHAP. 18.
Proviso. |
" of the passage of a road laid out in virtue of this act, according
" the best of my judgment; so help me God;" and the contracts by
the commissioners, or inquisition of the jury, as the case may be,
shall be returned to the clerk of the county court, to be there recorded,
and on the payment of the sum or sums of money contracted
for or ascertained as aforesaid, the proprietor or proprietors
through whose lands the said road shall pass, and upon payment, or
tender of such damages, by any person or persons, to the proprietor
or proprietors aforesaid, the said road shall be recorded among
the records of Saint-Mary's county court, and be hereafter deemed
and taken to be a public road for ever, and shall be kept in repair
in the same manner as other public roads are directed to be kept in
the said county; Provided, that the said road shall not go through
any houses, gardens, yards, meadows or orchards, unless with the
consent of the owner thereof. |
Passed Dec. 31.
* Ch. 16. |
A Supplement to an act, * entitled, An act for the relief of John
Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 20. |
Passed Dec. 31. |
An Act to lay out a Road from Aquila Tarman's Tavern to Thomas
Cockey's Mill, and from the said Mill to the Road called
The Deer
Park Road. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 20.
Supplements, 1802, ch. 41, and 1803, ch. 25. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS, it appears by the petition of Thomas Cockey,
of Baltimore
county, to this general assembly, that the opening of a public
road from Aquila Tarman's tavern on the road leading from
Reister's-town to Westminster to the said Thomas Cockeys
mill, and from thence until it intersects the nearest part of
the Deer Park Road, in said county, would be of great public
utility; and the prayer thereof appearing reasonable, therefore, |
Commissioners appointed
to lay out
road. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Isaac Dickinson, Samuel Hooker, and Thomas Gorsuch, or any two
of them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to survey,
mark and lay out, at the expense fo the said Thomas Cockey, a
road, not exceeding thirty feet wide, on the straightest and best
direction that the nature of the ground will admit, from the aforesaid
Aquila Tarman's tavern to the said Thomas Cockey's mill,
and from thence until it intersects the nearest part of the said Deer
Park road; and the said road, when so surveyed, laid out and opened,
and the valuation herein after directed to be made shall have
taken place, a plot thereof shall be returned to the clerk of the
county, who shall record the same among the records of Baltimore
county court, which shall be deemed and taken to be a public road
for ever thereafter, and shall be kept up, and amended and repaired,
as all other public roads in the said county. |
To ascertain
damages. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners
shall ascertain
and value what damages may be sustained by any person or
persons through whose land the said road shall pass, taking into
their consideration all circumstances, and the same when so assessed,
shall be paid by the said Thomas Cockey, before he shall proceed
to open the said road.
See 1802, ch. 41. |