CHAP. 159.
Passed Jan. 4, 1812. |
An Act for the encouragement of Learning in Cecil County.
TH. No. 3, fol. 196. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS application has been made to this general
by certain inhabitants of Cecil county, that a law may pass establishing
an academy near Lower West Nottingham Presbyterian
meeting-house, in said county: And whereas the establishment of
seminaries for the education of youth in this, as well as other counties,
has been of essential benefit to society, by bringing forward
a succession of able and virtuous characters qualified to discharge
the various duties of public and private life: And whereas, the general
diffusion of scientific knowledge through such means, is the
more essentially necessary in an country like ours, the perpetuity of
whose happy government materially depends upon the religion,
virtue and patriotism of the people at large, from whom all power
in relation to the government emanates, and before whom public
men and measures are daily passing in judgment, and who are eligible
in one way or other to the most important trusts and offices
both in church and state, trusts and offices that require the utmost
extent of human acquisition; therefore, |
An academy to be
erected. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
there be erected, and hereby is erected and established near Lower
West Nottingham Presbyterian meeting-house, in West Nottingham
hundred, Cecil county, an academy for the liberal education
of youth in such sciences and branches of learning as the trustees
and professors thereof shall from time to time think useful and expedient
for the benefit and advancement of the institution; and the
said academy shall be regulated under the management, direction
and government of fifteen trustees, and be perpetuated in the manner
herein after mentioned. |
Trustees appointed
and declared a
corporation and
body politic. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That George Gale, Thomas
W. Veaszey,
Robert Archer, John Groome, Samuel C. Hall, William C.
Miller, Robert Evans, David Patton, John Tray, James Sims,
George Kidd, James Maxwell, John Creswell, Henry W. Physick
and the Reverend James Magraw, be and they are hereby appointed
trustees of the said academy, and the said trustees, and the
successors to be elected in the manner herein after mentioned, shall
be, and they are hereby erected, established and declared to be, one
community, corporation and body politic, with perpetual succession
in deed and in law, to all intents and purposes connected with the
said institution, by the name and style of The West Nottingham
Academy in Cecil county; by which name and title, they, the said
trustees and their successors, shall be competent and capable in
law and in equality, to take and to hold to themselves and their
for the use of the said academy, any estate in any messuages,
lands and tenements, annuities, goods, chattels, monies or effects,
by the gift, grant, bargain, sale, conveyance, devise or bequest,
of any person or persons whatsoever, provided the same do
not exceed in the whole the clear yearly value of five thousand
dollars; and the same messuages, lands and tenements, and other
estate real and personal, to farm-let and put out on interest for the
use of the said academy, in such manner as to them, or a majority
of them, shall seem most beneficial to the institution, and to receive
the rents, issues, profits, income and interest of the same, and to |