three of them, be judges of the election, appoint the place in the said
city for holding
the same, and may adjourn from day to day as aforesaid, and shall make
return thereof as aforesaid; but the inhabitants of the said city
shall not be entitled
to vote for delegates for Anne-Arundel county, unless they have
a freehold of
fifty acres of land in the county, distinct from the city (m).
5. That all persons, inhabitants of Baltimore
(n), and having the same
qualifications as electors in the county, shall, on the same first
Monday of October
seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, and on the same day in every
year for ever
thereafter, at such place in the said town as the judges shall appoint
(o), elect viva
voce (p), by a majority of votes, two delegates, qualified as aforesaid;
but if the
said inhabitants of the town (q), shall so decrease, as that the
number of persons
having right of suffrage therein shall have been, for the space of seven
years successively, less than one half of the number of voters in some
one county
in this state, such town thenceforward shall cease to send two delegates
or representatives
to the house of delegates, until the said town shall have one half
of the number of voters in some one county in this state.
6. That the commissioners of the said town,
or any three or more of them, for
the time being, shall be judges of the said election, and may adjourn as
and shall make return thereof as aforesaid (r); but the inhabitants
of the said
town shall not be entitled to vote for or be elected delegates for Baltimore
neither shall the inhabitants of Baltimore county, out of the limits of
town, be entitled to vote for or be elected delegates for the said town.
7. That on refusal, death, disqualification,
resignation, or removal out of
this state, of any delegate, or on his becoming governor or member
of the
council, a warrant of election shall issue by the speaker for the election
of another
in his place, of which ten days notice at the least, excluding the day
of notice
and the day of election, shall be given (s).
8. That not less than a majority of the delegates,
with their speaker, (to
be chosen by them by ballot,) constitute a house for the transacting any
other than that of adjourning.
9. That the house of delegates shall judge
of the elections and qualifications
of delegates.
(m) This part of the constitution
was abolished by the act of November 1809, ch. 38, confirmed
by 1810, ch. 49, whereby the right of persons having such freehold in the
county was taken
(n) See notes (a) and (c) to
the second section.
(o) See note (d) to the second
(p) See note (e) to the second
(q) See note (n).
(r) This section of the constitution,
by which the commissioners of Baltimore town were made
judges of the election for delegates therein, was altered in that respect
by 1797, ch. 57, confirmed
by 1798, ch. 2, which declared, that the Mayor and Second Branch of the
City Council, or
any three or more of them, for the time being, should be judges thereof;
which part of the constitution
was abrogated by the acts which have been referred to of 1798, ch. 115,
and 1799,
ch. 48.
(s) By the act of 1798, ch.
115, confirmed by 1799, ch. 48, the parts of the 2d, 3d, 5th, 14th, and
42d sections of the constitution, which related to the judges, place, time
and manner, of holding
elections for the delegates, &c. were abrogated, and the same were
to be regulated by law. The 7th
section is not mentioned therein, but under the last part of the provision
it has been considered,
that elections to fill vacancies were included, and that they are to be
regulated by law, (as to the
judges, place, time and manner,) instead of being a part of the constitution,
except in the city
of Annapolis, to which the said acts did not extend. Accordingly
it will be seen, that a provision
was made on this subject by the act of 1799, ch. 50, to regulate elections,
in the 6th section,
which was re-enacted verbatim in the 35th sec. of the act of 1805,
ch. 97, entitled, " An act to reduce
into one the several acts of assembly respecting elections, and to regulate
said elections."