CHAP. 1662.
Amendment ratified. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the aforesaid amendment be and the same is hereby confirmed and
This amendment was not ratified by three fourths of the state. |
_____ |
Passed Dec. 25. |
An Act for the benefit of the Heirs of Benjamin Gould, of Queen-Anne's
County. Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 5. A Private Act.
Rescinding the contract made by John
Beck, and Anne his wife, to take the
land of the deceased at the valuation made by the commissioners
appointed to divide
the same. |
_____ |
Passed Dec. 25. |
An Act authorising the Levy Court of Cecil County to open a Road
said County. Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 6. |
Levy court may
appoint commissioners
to lay off
road. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
levy court of Cecil county, if they, or a majority of them, should
think that a road commencing on the Nottingham road, between
Big Elk Creek and Fair Hill, at or near Robert Cader's, in New
Munster, and running thence by Brick Hill, and in the shortest
line that may be, to meet a road leading from the river Susquehanna
at or near Robert Cochran's, on the Pennsylvania line, is necessary
or beneficial to the inhabitants of said county, shall have
power and authority to appoint three commissioners to view said
ground, and lay off a road not exceeding thirty feet wide, on the
straightest direction the ground will admit of, and have the same
surveyed, and plain plots made of the same, and return said plots
to the levy court of the county aforesaid, under their hands; and
said commissioners shall have full power to bargain and contract
with any person or persons over whose lands the said road may
pass, or adjudge the damages any person or persons may sustain
by the said road, and make a return of all contracts by them made,
for land or damages, adjudged by them, by reason of opening said
road, to the levy court, under their hands, and the said court may
order the same to be recorded, or reject the same, or any part
thereof; and the levy court shall levy on the assessable property of
Cecil county the expense of the commissioners for viewing and surveying
said road; and if the levy court shall confirm said road,
agreeably to the return of the commissioners, and cause the same
to be recorded, the levy court shall then appoint a supervisor or
supervisors to clear and open said road, not exceeding thirty feet
in width, and may levy the expense of said road upon the assessable
property of Cecil county, or should the levy court be of opinion
that said road is not of public utility, but is only calculated to
private individuals, in that case the levy court shall grant said road
on the application of petitioners, upon their paying all damages
and expense of said road, and if the levy court confirms said road,
and have it recorded, it shall then be under the same rules and regulations
as other roads are in Cecil county. |
Passed Dec. 25. |
An Act authorising a Lottery to raise a sum of Money for opening
clearing the Road to be opened from Westminster, in
County, to George-Town and the City of Washington.
Lib. TH.
No. 3, fol. 7. |
Act repealed.
* Ch. 99. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the act passed at November session, eighteen hundred and three*, |