8. The notes or bills obligatory which it shall
be lawful for the
said corporation to issue shall not be for a less sum than five dollars.
By 1811, ch. 163, may issue notes for
a sum less than five dollars, but not for a
sum less than three dollars. |
CHAP. 51.
Bills issued not to
be for less than
five dollars. |
28. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall
continue in force
until the expiration of the year eighteen hundred and fifteen, and
until the end of the next session of assembly thereafter.
By December 1813, ch. 122, the charters
of such of the banks as complied with
the provisions and conditions of that act, were renewed and continued until
&c. and such of the banks as agreed, &c. were required to transmit
to the Executive
a certificate of such determination before the 1st of May then next; which
done by the President and Directors of the Elkton Bank of Maryland, and
charter of the said bank was, by 1818, ch. 147, extended and continued
as effectualy
as the charters of the other banks had been, by 1815, ch. 167. |
Duration. |
An Act annulling the Marriage of Thomas Taylor, and Phœbe his
Wife. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 486. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
An Act for the benefit of Doctor James Archer, of Clairborne County,
in the Territory of Mississippi. Lib. TH.
No. 2, fol. 487. A
Private Act. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
A Further Supplement to an Act*, entitled, An act for the valuation
of Real and Personal Property within this State.
Lib. TH. No. 2,
fol. 487.
This act repealed by November 1812, ch. 191. |
Passed Dec. 23.
* 1803, ch. 92. |
An Act for founding an Academy at Hager's-town, in Washington
County. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 488.
Supplements, December 1813, ch. 18; and 1818, ch. 47. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
in order to be erecting and building a house and other conveniencies,
for an academy in Washington county, the persons herein after
named shall have full power to purchase one or more acres of
land in or adjoining Hager's-town, in Washington county, to wit:
Richard Pindell, John T. Mason, Samuel Ringgold, Samuel Hughes,
junior, Charles Carroll, Upton Lawrence, Frisby TIlghman, Otho
H. Williams, Moses Tabbs, William Heyser, John Kennedy, John
Harry, Jacob Zellar, Christian Hager, John I. Stull, Jacob
Schnebly, Thomas B. Hall, John Ragan, senior, Matthias Shaffner,
Alexander Neill and Frederick Dorsey, who shall be and they are
hereby appointed trustees, to act as such until the first Tuesday in
October next, and until a new election of trustees agreeable to the
future provisions of this act; which said persons, so nominated trustees
of said academy, and their successors appointed in the manner
herein after declared, shall and they are hereby declared to be, one
community, corporation and body politic, to have continuation for
ever, by the name of The Trustees of the Hager's town Academy,
and by that name to sue and be sued, implead or be impleaded, and
to make and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter or
renew, when and so often as they shall think fit. |
Trustees empowered
to purchase
land on which to
erect buildings. |