2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Thomas Wooden, Thomas Wilson and Samuel Harden (a),
or a majority
of them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, to
survey, lay out and open, at the expense of the petitioners, a road
not exceeding thirty-three feet wide, in the best and straightest direction
which the ground will admit of, from the Franklin paper-mill
on Gwinn's Falls, to the new Liberty road, in the direction
towards the city of Baltimore, and return a plot of the said road,
when surveyed and laid out, to the clerk of Baltimore county, to be
by him filed and preserved among the records of the said county;
and the said road, when opened and made at the expense of the
petitioners, shall be deemed, and is hereby declared, a public road
for ever, and shall be kept in repair in the same manner as other
public roads in said county.
Other commissioners added by ch. 166. |
CHAP. 23.
Commissioners appointed
to lay out
and open a road. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That on application
of the party or parties
interested, the said commissioners, or any two of them, shall
ascertain and value what damages may be sustained by any person
or persons through whose land the said road shall pass, and the
same, when so ascertained and assessed, shall be paid, or secured
to be paid, by the said petitioners, before the commissioners appointed
by this act shall proceed to open the said road; Provided
always, that if any person or persons through whose land the
road shall pass, or his, her or their guardian or trustee, shall conceive
themselves aggrieved by such valuation and assessment of damages,
it shall and may be lawful for the said commissioners, or
any two of them, to issue their warrant to the sheriff of the county,
to summon twelve disinterested freeholders of said county, to
appear on the premises on a day by them to be appointed, and the
commissioners are hereby authorised to administer an oath to every
person so summoned, that he will, without favour, affection,
partiality or prejudice, assess the damages sustained by the person
or persons at whose request such inquisition shall be taken, by reason
of opening said road through his, her or their land, and the
persons so summoned and sworn, shall thereupon proceed to value
and assess the damages accordingly, of which the said petitioners,
or some one of them, shall have five days previous notice at the
least, and such inquisition shall be final and conclusive between the
parties. |
Damages to be ascertained.
Proviso. |
An Act to confirm an Act passed at November session, eighteen hundred
and nine*, entitled, An act to alter all such parts
of the Declaration
of Rights, Constitution and Form of Government, as make
it lawful to lay an equal and a general tax for the
support of the
Christian Religion. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 450. |
Passed Dec. 23.
* Ch. 167. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That an
act passed at November session, eighteen hundred and nine, entitled,
An act to alter all such parts of the declaration of rights,
constitution and form of government, as make it lawful to lay an
equal and a general tax for the support of the christian religion,
shall be and the same is hereby confirmed. |
Act confirmed. |