act, was a bona fide purchaser of any slave or slaves claiming
her or their freedom under such deeds of manumission; And provided
also, that notwithstanding such deed of manumission, no slave
be entitled to his or her freedom under the provisions of this act,
who has been heretofore adjudged to be a slave by any court of law
in this state. |
CHAP. 15. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no person shall
hereafter sell or
dispose of any servant or slave, who is or may be entitled to freedom
after a term of years, after any particular time, or upon a contingency,
to any person who is not a bona fide resident of this state,
and who has not resided therein for the space of at least one year,
next preceding such sale (a), and if any person holding any such
servant or slave shall sell him or her to any person who is not a
resident as aforesaid, or who shall sell such servant or slave for
term of years longer than he or she is bound to serve, such person
making any of said sales shall forfeit and pay five hundred dollars
for any such servant or slave so sold, to be recovered by action of
debt in the county court of the county where such seller may reside,
one half whereof to the use of the county in which the recovery
may be had, and the other to the person who may prosecute
for the same.
(a) By 1817, ch. 112, no such
sale to be made to any person employed to purchase
for a person not being resident; nor for a longer time
than the slave is
bound to serve. Persons offending herein to be
indicted, and on conviction, sentenced
to the penitentiary, &c. |
No slave entitled
to freedom after a
term of years, to
be sold out of the
state, &c. |
_____ |
An Act to give validity to a Deed from Robert Gilla Hampton, to
William Gilbert. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol.
443. A Private Act. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
_____ |
An Act to authorise Hannah A. Hayes, Guardian of the Heirs at Law
of Stephen Hayes, deceased, to convey certain
Lands therein mentioned,
lying in Cecil County. Lib. TH. No.
2, fol. 444. A Private
Act. |
Passed Dec. 23. |
_____ |
An Act to confirm an Act passed at November Session, eighteen hundred
and nine*, entitled, An act to alter and abolish
all such parts
of the Constitution and Form of Government as
require a property
qualification in Persons to be appointed for
holding Offices of Profit
or Trust in this State, and in Persons elected
Members of the Legislature
or Electors of the Senate. Lib. TH.
No. 2, fol. 445. |
Passed Dec. 23.
* Ch. 198. |
1. THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED, by the General
Assembly of Maryland,
That the said act, entitled, An act to alter and abolish all
such parts of the constitution and form of government as require
a property qualification in persons to be appointed or holding offices
of profit and trust in this state, and in persons elected members
of the legislature or electors of the senate, be and it is hereby
confirmed and made valid to every intent and purpose therein
mentioned. |
Act confirmed. |
A Supplement to an Act †, entitled, An act to authorise the
of a Lottery in Frederick-Town, for the purposes of
paving Market-street
in said Town. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 446. |
Passed Dec. 23.
† Nov. 1809, ch. 85. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Michael Baltzell, John Macpherson, Henry Steiner, Seth Clarke, |
Other commissioners
appointed. |