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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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At a Court held by their Maties Justices of the Peace for the County of Somerset in y
of Maryland the 10th: day of March Anno: Domini. 1690/1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Comrs Present Coll: David Browne. mr ffrancis. Jenckins. Capt. John: Winder mr Samll:
in Court were Hopkins. Capt. John: King. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Court being three times Called. The Corroners and Constables answering to their names
after which the Sheriffe of our sd County returns his list or pannel of a Grand Jury; who
being called, each person answering to his name as followeth. viz) William: Turvile. Arnold
Elzey. Randall: Revell. George: Betts. John: Jones. William. Wright. Thomas: Shiles. Robert
Burrage. John: Davis. Isaac: Horsey: Robert: Coulborne. Jeffrey: Mitchel. John: Smock ~
Thomas: Morris: John: Tarr. Bryan: Peart: Stephen: Costin. Donack: Dennis. Philip: Adams. John
Covington: Thomas: Wilson. George: Goddard. 22: who being duely Sumoned and Sworn upon the holy
Evangelists, and haveing recd their Charge are Sent forth. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The aforesd Grand Jury being all returned to the Barr in Court, being called, each man answering to
his name as Sett downe above, being unanimously agreed to give into Court these presentmts following
which they doe require the forme to be mended but not the Substance. Order granted for the same
We present Matthew: Scarbrough for being drunk on y Sabbath day in his owne house. Informr Mary Wolfonden
We present Matthew: Scarbrough. for stripping^ on the Sabbath day. Informers Jonathan.Wolfondon & Mary his
We of the Grand Jury doe think it most requisit that these persons that has recd the County Arms into there
Custody, being well fixed at that time that they may be retourned again, well fixed by those persons that
has had them in their posession, and be brought forthwith where the Court shall See fitt - - - - - - - -
We present William: Mason and James: English. as Suspected persons for felloniously killing of four
hoggs upon Samphire point in Monokin River being the propper goods of Elinor: Caine upon the four
teenth day of ffebruary Ano. Dom. 1690/1 Informer: Lazarus: Maddux. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We present: Mary: Hearne. for bearing of a Basterd Child. Informer. Nathaniel: Vesey . Constable of Mattepeny
We present Mary: Mackenny for bearing of a Basterd Child. Informer. Jno. White Constable of Mony
We present. Walter: Taylor. for the fraudulent Sale of Cypresse Timber, to mr. Samuel: Hopkins Senior
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Deposition of Mary Wolfondon wife of Jonathan: Wolfondon, Aged thirty three years or thereabouts
who deposeth and saith that on the tenth day of August last past being a Sabbath day that Matthew
Scarbrough being drunk in his own house, declared that he had the day before Rallyed that old Knave
and old Rogue Hopkins, and did then call the sd Hopkins old Rogue and Knave, and that he would prove
him Soe before the Court, and soe went on in railing terms against him, Spending the most of the Satterday
night and that Sabbath in Such kind of discourse, against the said Hopkins. to the truth of all which y said
deponant above mentioned hath hereunto Sett her hand this 26th. day of November 1690. Mary: Wolfondon.

Memorandum that the day and year mentioned Came the above named Mary: Wolfonden and made Oath to the
of the above written. witness my hand. James: Round.
Evidences relating to breach of the Sabbath more then is above mentioned, are Jonathan:Wolfondon & his wife
mr Scarbrough abovesd for stripping tobacco upon the Sabbath day.

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 62   View pdf image (33K)
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