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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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179 8 ber the 3d. 1691
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Andrew Whittington Plt Somerset Ss. Wm: Morris of this County Planter was attached to
Contra. unto Andrew Whittington of the Same County Innholder in a plea of debt
William: Morris: Dft. And whereupon the plt by James. Sangster his Attorney Comes &
- - - - - - - - - - that the said Dft is become and Stands indebted unto the plt in the full
just Sum of eight hundred pounds of good Sound. Merchantable tobacco in
As doth and may appear by Spetialty under hand and Seal of the said Dft. bearing date the Sixteenth day of
Ano Domii 1686/ and is here in Court produced, wherein the sd dft did bind himSelf his Heirs Exters & Admrs to the
plt his Heirs, Exters Admrs or Assigns for the true payment of the sd Sume, which sd Sum the sd Dft fraudulently
Craftily intending to deceive the plt hath hitherto denyed payment and yett doth deny to the plts great losse & damage to
the value of Sixteen hundred pounds of like tobacco, and hereupon brings this Suit.
Ja: Sangster pr Quer. pled. Jno. Doe
Bill Produced Rich: Roe
- - - - - - -
This Bill bindeth me Wm: Morris of Somerset County Planter my heirs Exectrs & Admrs to pay or cause to be

unto Andrew: Whittington of Somerset County aforesd Innholder his Heirs or Assigns or Lawfull Attorney Or Order the just
Quantity or Sum of Eight hundred pounds of good Sound Merchantable tobacco in Caske Convenient According to Act of
wittness my hand and Seal the Sixteen day of November Annoqs Dom. 1686.
Sealed & dilivered in presence of us. William: Morris. ? Sealed.
Jos: Sherly Bill Proved by the Oath of Joseph: Sherly before Coll. David Browne
John X : Swetman his marke. The plts Attorney Craves a Nonsuite an Attachment, which by this Court is granted
John: M Meare his marke. there being two returns of ye writt N.Est Inventus. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Deposition of Wm: Henderson. saith that he hath attended as an Evidence Between Thomas Gillett and Jno
ffine five dayes and further Saith not, for the plt ye 3d. day of October 1691: Wm: Henderson - - - - - - - -
Sworn before me B James: Round . Ordr~
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The Deposition of Moses ffenton. Saith that he hath attended the Court as an Evidence in a Cause between William
Henderson and Benjamine Deards as followeth: four dayes at June Court August Court one day besides my
fees to each Court and further Saith not C Item One days Journey fees B
Sworn in Court before me Robert: King. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Moses Owen. hath attended twenty dayes in a Controversie Between: Edward: Dickison plt and John Connoway dft on prt
of the plt. for which yr worps Petioner Craves Order for Attendance. October. 2d. 1691.
Sworn before me James: Round
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Teague Riggen. Junior hath attended twenty dayes Coming and Going Edward: Dickison plt & JnoConnoway
Deft on part of the plt for wch your worps.Petioner Craves Order for Attendance. Ocber 2d 1691
Sworn before me. James: Round.

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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