Volume 191, Page 164 View pdf image (33K) |
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7 ber 30th. C 1691 ( 164 ) To the Worll. the Comissioners of Somerset County Court. the humble Petition of Walter Lane humbly sheweth That whereas yr Petioner the last Court, did make returne of the Inventery of the goods and Chattels of Josias Seaward, late of this County deceased Appraised by Samuel:Collins and John:Emmett, Appointed & chosen appraisers by this Court, who have appraised Severall things belonging to the sd Seawards Estate. at unreasonable rates C Especially three Negros One of them an elderly Negro man. the Second an old Negro Woman, and the third a litle Negro boy, that will be uncapable of doing any thing of Consequence in Severall years, So that a man shall be at more Charge in raising of him then he is worth before he can be Serviceable. Yett Notwithstanding the Appraisers have rated the said Negroes to me at fifty pounds Sterling, which as I understand according as this Court does intend to rate dead mens estates in tobacco, that is allowing but five shillings a hundred will amount to twenty thousand pounds of tobacco, whereas I do declare, I would not give twelve thousand pounds of tobacco for them all three (when) they were appraised. I bid the Appraisers take them or mittigate the prise, which they refused to doe, but referrd it to the last Court, and the Court they also refused to do any thing in it, alleading that it did not belong to them to mittigate the unreasonable rates Sett by the sd Appraisers, whereby your Petioner is forced to an inconveniency and can no wayes remedy it. Your Petioner therefore humbly desires your worps will be pleased, Since that your Petioner must be Concerned with the Estate, to rate upon the money the said Estate was appraised to in tobacco being Seventy pounds fifteen shillings and four pence, that yr Petioner may know, what assetts he hath in hands likewise he cannot tell how to Comply with the Credrs the rate allwayes allowed by the former Testamentary wills a penny pr. , which I hope your worships will allow me, and your Petioners as in duty bound shall pray &c. C The Petition being Read and Considered, This Court Orders Six shillings pr hundred to be the rate allowed upon Seawards Estate B The Court Supposing the three Nigroes a hardship to ye Admr. - - - - - - - Their Maties == Somerset County Ssc. ----- Whereas Margerett: Kennedy of the sd County was Comitted Contr. into the Custody of Nathaniel: Vesey Constable in Order that she should be Saifly conveyed Margerett.Kenneday to the Court there to answer what should be Objected agt her relating to killing & Stealing - - - - - - - - - - of Severall hoggs belonging to Thomas: Oxford,and whereas the Court is adjourned without Taking any Order about the sd Margerett: Kennedy ----------- These are therefore in their Maties names to will and require you to take into your Custody the sd Margerett Kennedy untill she give Suffitient Security in the Sum of (tenn) pound Sterling for her appearance next County Court here to be holden the Second tuesday in September next ensueing there to answer as abovesd, and to stand and abide the judgmt. of the sd Court hereof fail you not and this shall be yr Sufitient warrant given under my hand and Seal this 11 th day of Aug 1691. Samuel: Hopkins ? Sealed To mr Stephen Luffe high Sheriffe. The above sd Mittimus being read in Court, and the sd Margeret appearing. The Court Ordered the sd Margeret to give Security for her appearance next Court to be holden the Second tuesday in November next 1691. to answer what should be Objected agt her On their Maties behalf &c. Whereupon Came the Said Margeret and did by Recognizance Confess her Self to be indebted to their Maties King Wm & Queen Mary the Sum of tenn pounds Sterling money of England and her two Securities in the Sum of 5, like money viz Jno. West & Robert: Perrie. sd Securities to be leavied on their goods & Chattels Land & tenemts for their Maties uses &c. The Conditions of whichRecognizance is Such that if the abovesd Margerett do make her personall appearance next County Court, to answer to their Maties &c. then this Recongizance to be void & of none effect Otherwayes to be and remain in full power force & vertue. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
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Volume 191, Page 164 View pdf image (33K) |
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