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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 150   View pdf image (33K)
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The Same Day being y 11th. day of August Commrs. Present Collo: David Browne
mr: Roger wolford mr: James Round: George Layfeild Capta: John King
This day appeared With theire List of Taxables these ffollowing Constables & delivered them to y Cort
Nathaniell Vezey Constable of Mattapeny hundred,
Anthony Bell Constable of Anamessex hundred
George Phebus Constable of Manoakin hundred
John White Constable of Manny hundred
These ffollowing Constables were Delinquents in theire offices viz
Robert Cade Constable of Boquetenorton hundred
John Starret of Constable of Pocomoke hundred
William Harris Constable of Wiccocomoco hundred
William Piper Constable of Nanticoke hundred
Where upon this Cors: orders That the Severall Constables (Delinquents) bring To y Clerkes
office at Back Creeke of Manoakin river Two exact Lists of the Chatles of theire Severall & respective
hundreds fairly drawne out & Cast up with theire Severall & respective hands affixed
to the Same That is A True List Taken by them on Tuesday the Twenty fifth day of this
pr:Sent Month of August there to be examined by Sherife & Clerkes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And ffurther ordered that the Sherife examine the Same with the Clrkes & make a regulacon
(if any Errors be) of all the Constables Lists ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Same Day Comms: as afore
To the worpll: Justices of Somr:Set County now in Cort: Sitting The humble Petion of
Thomas Horssman
Whereas yor: Petr: was Sumoned the last Cort. to attend the Cort: as a Jury man & one day did attend
but it pleased god yt day to Send a Season & yor: Peticr: having a great Charge of Chilldren but
none that is Capable of working without a Guide yor: Petr: made bold to pr:Sume upon yor: worpss
goodnes to Stay from Court but not in Contempt of yor: worpll: or yor: Comands but Case of
Necessety therefore yor: humble Petr: is now Come to humble himselfe to yor: worpll: pleasure
begging humbly of yor: worpll: To remitt his ffine this Time & he will never doe the Like again
& by Soe doeing yor: worpll will oblige yor. petionr to pray for yor: worpll. good health & happiness
This Cort: ordrs. that Thomas Horssmans ffine be remitted
To y worpll: Justices of Somr:Sett County now in Cort. Setting
The humble Petion of Allexa: Welch
Humbly Sheweth That yor: Petr: hath Served his Time with Wm: Wright and he detaineth from
yor: Peticonr: his Corne & Clothes for wch: yor: Peticionr: Craves yor: worpll: ordr. & yor: petr: in duty bound
Shall Pray ordr: yt Wm: Wright be Sumoned to next Court /
The Same Day Commrs: as afore
Dorothy Yeranton plte issue Joyned
agt: To y worpll: Cort: of Somr:Set County Sendeth greeting
Sephen Page deft: appa: The humble Peticon of Dorothy yeranton. Sheweth that She pr:fered
A Peticon agt: Stephen Page the last Cort: whereas yor: worpll were
pleased to grannt a Sumons for him the Peticon were for five hundred pound of tobacco wch I
hired my Selfe for to Arnold Paramour and truly Served the term of time for the Same
and the Said Stephen Page maried his widowe and I have demanded y Said tobacco and they
ordr.Sent pr Say they Cannot pay it without yor: worpll: ordr: & therefore yor: Petior. Craveth ord
mr.Perrie for the Same & She Shall for Ever pray / Dorothy Yeranton
And the deft: Comes & Says that there was halfe A yard of Linnen at 14lb: tobacco
& the plt makes oath She never recd any more then yt halfe yard of Linnen

where upon this Cort: ordrs: y Stephen Page pay unto Dorothy Yeranton four hundred eighty Six
pounds of tobacco alias execution
The Same Day Commrs as afore
Whereas mr: Walter Lane Comes & Saith yt mr: Thomas Newbold & mr: Edm: Howard were appointed apraysers
the estate of Josias Seaward they being Sick humbly Craveth Two others in there places whereupon
This Cort. ordrs: John. Emmet & Samll: Collins appraysers of the Sd. Estate of Josias Seaward deceased

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1690-1691
Volume 191, Page 150   View pdf image (33K)
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