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( 15 ) December = 9ber 15th. 1690. mr. Walter: Lane, appearing in Court, according to Order past last Court and it is now Ordered by the Justices in Court, that the sd Lane appeare by nine a clock to morrow to answer what shall be objected agt him upon the behalfe of their Maties the Court adjournes till tomrow 9 a clock Court of Adjournmt - - - - - - - -Att a Court held the 10th day of December Ano Dom 1690 Comrs. Present Coll.David Browne mr: ffrancis Jenckins mr James Round. mr Samuel: in Court were} Hopkins. mr Thomas: Jones: Capt. John: King - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mr. Walter Lane according to Order past last night, appears in Court before the Justices and being questioned for Sundry abuses done and Comitted agt mr ffrancis: Jenkins in June Court last for wch abuses the Court demanded of sd Lane if he were willing to come to tryall, whose answer was to the Contrary. But the Court voted that the said Lane should come to speedy tryall and therefore / Comand was given to the sheriffe to Sumon twelve good and lawfull men of his Balywick, to try y said Cause depending which was imediatly performed - - - - - - - - - - - - - - C - Their Maties Somerset County Ssc. Whereas upon the 11th. day of June last past mr agt. ffrancis: Jenkins, then president of this County. Executing of his Office in Walter. Lane. in Serving their Maties then and there, there did present in Course upon doquet a scieri facias, agt John: Kirke, Admr of the Estate of Edward ffurlong and called mr. Walter Lane neither party or Sworne Attorney, or not having produced any warrant under the sd Kirks hand, did then and their as sd is, most grossly and impertinently answer and object agt the sd president being no wayes provoked did scurrulously assert in the face of Court, said that the sd Jenkins had surr =eptitiously obteined, the above sd scieri facias, where the sd Jenkins did prove the legality of the same The said Lane did then with an audacious face, declare these following words, if it was done by mrC Jenckins, he must needs say it was knavishly done of the said Jenkins, which complaint also the Substance was then recorded. There the Complainant craves Order agt the said Lane, first for the abuse in intermedling with the said action between the complainant and the said Kirke wthout warant Secondly for charging the Complainant with knavery in issueing the scieri facias and calling it in Ca-- - J:S. pr plt. The sheriffe returns apannel or list of Jury whose names are as followeth. viz. Samuel: Collins Roger: Philips. Richard: Rugg Thomas. Hobbs. Richard: Webb. George. Lane George: Baly William:Planner Senior. William: Millard. Robert: Crouch. John: Vigerous William:Robbinson who being legally impannelled and duely sworn having heard the foregoing complaint as also this Certificate following, with the Record prtinent to the matter in hand goes foth to determine the same. ----- Certificate followeth vizt Somerset County in Maryland Ssc. These may Certifie whom it may Concern that wee the Subscribers about the 11th. or 12th. of June last past, being in Somerset County Court house (sitting in Court) where emingst other business brought there Walter: Lane presented Some paper or papers in the behalfe of John: Kirke which said |
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Volume 191, Page 15 View pdf image (33K) |
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