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1872.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES. 9 Milton Y. Kidd, Chief Clerk elect, and Thomas H. Moore, Reading Clerk elect, appeared, qualified and entered upon the discharge of their respective duties. Mr. Spencer submitted the following order: Ordered, That the thanks of this House are hereby tendered to the HOI) Frederick Stone, for his dignified and courteous discharge o' the duties of temporary Chairman of this House. Which was adopted. Mr. Kirk submitted the following order : Ordered, That the resident Ministers of the Gospel, of all denominations, in the city of Annapolis, be appointed Chap- lains of this House. Which was adopted. Mr. Miller submitted the following order: Ordered, That the Librarian be instructed to furnish each Delegation of this House with a copy of the Code of General and Local Laws, to be returned at the end of this Session. Which was adopted. Mr. Bond submitted the following order : Ordered, That the Speaker appoint a committee, consist- ing of three members from Baltimore City, and twenty from the counties, to recommend permanent subordinate officers for the House of Delegates. Which was adopted. The Speaker appointed the following committee under the above order: Messrs. Colton, of Saint. Mary's Wilmer, Henkle, Bond, Stone, Shipley, Butler, Daugherty, Smith, Mearns, Sasscer, Ford, of Queen Anne's, Parker, Riley, Hardcastle, Cooper, Colton, of Baltimore City, Chaisty, Young, of Washington, Hilton, Steele, Linthicum and Johnson On motion of Mr. Colton, of Baltimore City, The foregoing committee was authorised to sit during the Session of the House. Mr. Chapman submitted the following order : Ordered, That a, committee of five be appointed by the Speaker, to prepare Rules for the House ; and further, that the Rules of the last Session be in force until others be adopted. Which was adopted, |
Volume 190, Page 9 View pdf image (33K) |
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