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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3431   View pdf image (33K)
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Acts Authorizing Payments.



Brought forward. .....................




Colleges, &c., St. Mary's county—Charlotte Hall Academy and Acade-
mic Fund...... .............

Chs. 409 and 454 of 1870.....

$2, 000 00


Somerset county—Washington and Fairmount Acad's.

11 ( ((

1, 000 00


Talbot county—Academic Fund.....................


1200 00


Washington county, " " .....................


1, 200 00


"Wicomico co.—Salisbury Academy and Acad. Fund...

11 11 11

1, 200 00

$55, 446 23

Contingent Fund—Adjutant General..............................
Contingent Fund of the Comptroller, for printing blank licenses, &c.

454 of 1870.................
409 and 434 of 1870 .........

59 00
3, 068 18

59 00
2, 068 13

Contingent Fund of the Executive................................





6, 414 14

6, 414 14

Contingent Fund of Board of Education...........................





932 50

982 50

Contingent Fund of the Court of Appeals.... .....................





237 94

227 94

Contingent Fund of the Library. .................................





578 41

578 41

Contingent Fund of the Land Office....................... .......





184 80

184 80

Contingent Fund of the Treasury. .................





1, 313 95

1, 313 95

Commissions—for 5 per cent. paid to State's Attorneys for collections.





1, 009 88

1, 009 88

Confederate Memorial Association—Frederick....... ...............

213 of 1870..................

500 00

500 00

Costs of Suits................................. ..................

183 of 1865........... ......

68 28

68 28

Deaf and Dumb Asylum—Frederick...............................

409 and 432 of 1870..........

95, 000 00

95, 000 00

Eastern Shore Railroads—paid as follows:




Columbia and Port Deposit Railroad Company, balance.......

303 of 1860..................

40, 000 00


Kent county Railroad Company, balance.... ............


7, 695 63


Kent and Queen Anne's Railroad Company, on account.......

( a

23785 24


Worcester Railroad Company, balance.......................
Worcester and Somerset Railroad Company, balance.........

a it
C (

19, 830 00
7, 400 00

68, 710 86

Excess of Fees—paid Clerk of City Court, Balto. city, balance of salary
Fuel and Lights—for wood, coal and gas furnished..................

54 of 1868...................
409 of 1870 .................

1, 663 20
1, 911 27

1, 663 20
1, 911 27

Carried forward......... ...........................





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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3431   View pdf image (33K)
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