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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3430   View pdf image (33K)
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STATEMENT B—Continued.


Acts Authorizing Payments.



Brought forward....................................




Colleges, Academies and Schools—Paid to.........................




Agricultural College.........................................

Chs. 409 and 454 of 1870.....

$ 6, 000 00


Baltimore Female College............................... ....




2, 500 00


St John's College................................. .........




15, 000 00


St. Mary's Female Seminary..................................




2, 500 00


Washington College..........................................



" ......

8, 156 35


Allegany county—Academy and Academic Fund...............



lt ......

1, 200 00


Anne Arundel comity—Academic Fund..... ..................



" ... . .

800 00


Baltimore county, " " .......................



i (

1, 200 00


Calvert county, " " .......................




400 00


Caroline county, " " ......................




1, 800 00


Can-oil county— Western Maryland College....................



" . .

1, 090 00


Cecil county—Elkton and West Nottingham Academies, and






North-east Classical Seminary................



" . ...

1, 700 00


Charles county—Academic Fund..............................




400 00


Dorchester county—Cambridge and East New Market Academies






and Cambridge Female Seminary........


1, 300 00


Frederick county—Fred'k College and St John's Literary Institute
Harford county—Harford and Darlington Academies. .........




1, 800 00
1, 100 00


Howard county—Academic Fund ....... ....................




4, 000 00


Kent county—Millington and Shrewsbury Academies...........




300 00


Montgomery county—Brookville and Rockville Academies......



t1 .



Prince George's county—Upper Marlboro' Acad and Academic


1, 400 00


Fund ........... .................

it it 11



Queen Anne's co.—Centerville and Church Hill Academies., and


1, 200 00


Academic Fund........................

it (to (I

1, 200 00


Carried forward ....................................





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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3430   View pdf image (33K)
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