ties, at the joint expense of said counties, to build a
bridge over the little Gunpowder River, at or near Joshua
R. Green's ford ........
-No. 13. An act to confirm and approve an act passed at
January session, eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter
two, entitled an act to authorize the County Commis-
sioners of Frederick county to subscribe to the stock of
turnpike companies in said county . . . .
No. 14. An act to change the name of the Children's Aid
Society of Baltimore, to the name " The Henry Watson
Children's Aid Society of Baltimore," and otherwise to
amend the constitution of said society . . . .
No. 15. An act to permit Frederick Charles Edmund
Petre, an alien, to hold certain real estate
No. 16. An act to authorize and empower the County
Commissioners for Carroll comity to subscribe to the
capital stock of turnpike companies in Carroll county .
No. 17. An act authorizing James V. Dennis, guardian
of Levin E. P. Bowland, a minor, to pass his final account
with the Orphan's Court of Somerset county
No. IS. An act giving the sanction of the General Assembly of Maryland to a certain legacy, bequeathed by the last
will and testament of Elizabeth Routzahn, late of Freder-
ick county, deceased, to the Council of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church, in Middletown, Frederick comity,
Maryland .........
No. 19. An act supplementary to an act passed February
seventeen, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, chapter
sixty-eight, entitled " an act to incorporate the Trustees
of Buckingham Academy, and Berlin Female Semi-
nary." ..........
No. 20. An act to make valid the sale and transfer by the
Union Bridge Turnpike Company to the Liberty, Johns-
ville and Pipe Creek Turnpike Road Company, of all that
part of the road of said Union Bridge Turnpike Company,
from Union Bridge, Carroll county, Maryland, to Daniel