No. 1. An act entitled a supplement to an act, " entitled
an act to incorporate the Germania Library Association
of Baltimore," passed at December session, eighteen hun-
dred and and forty-one, chapter thirty-seven
No. 2. An act to authorize the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, to issue and lend to the 'Western Maryland
Railroad Company the stock of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, to the amount of one million of dol-
lars, redeemable on the first day of January, nineteen
"hundred and two, and bearing interest at the rate of six
per centum per annum, from the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and seventy two, to aid in the construction of the railroad of the said company
'No. 3. An act to repeal the fifth section of an act entitled
" an act to incorporate the Western Avenue Company,"
passed at the January session, eighteen hundred and sixty,
chapter one hundred and twelve, and to enact the follow-
lowing in lieu thereof ......
, No. 4. An act authorizing the County Commissioners for
Frederick county to subscribe to the capital stock of the
Liberty and Frederick Turnpike Road Company, of
Frederick county ........
'No. 5. An act to amend the charter of the Manor Mining
and Manufacturing Company, passed at January session,
eighteen hundred and fifty-three, chapter one hundred
and sixty-six ........