hundred and sixty-five, eighteen hundred and sixty-
six, and eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, to those
who paid the same. And that a copy of this resolu-
tion be furnished by Ills Excellency, the Governor,
to each of the Senators and Representatives in Con-
gress from the State of Maryland.
Furnish copy
No. 9.
Be It resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That our Senators and Representatives in Congress,
are hereby requested to use all proper means to pro-
cure the passage of an Act during the present session,
authorizing the acceptance of the proposals of the
International Steamship Company, made to the Hon.
Secretary of the Navy, and by him communicated to
Congress, the fourteenth of April, eighteen hundred
and seventy-one, and referred, on the twenty-ninth
of January, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, to
the House Committee on Commerce, and ordered, to
be printed; said proposals looking to the establishment
of an iron ship building yard, under the authority of
the General Government, for the revival of ship
building and ocean commerce.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be for-
warded to each of our Senators and Representatives
in Congress.
of proposals.
copy of.
No. 10.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Hon. Levin "Woolford be and he is hereby requested
to revise and systematize the Revenue Laws of this
State, and report the same to the next General As-
sembly for its consideration.
To revise
and systema-
tize Revenue