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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3297   View pdf image (33K)
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Duty of
Citizens may
To be con-
demned and
May appeal.
May describe
party with-
out naming.
boats, seine and tackle, and all things on board sub-
ject to forfeiture, which shall be directed to the
Sheriff or any Constable of the county, to be dealt
with according to law; and it shall be the doty of
the Sheriff or any Constable, with or without war-
rant, to arrest any person or persons violating the
provisions of this Act, and to seize any such vessel,
boat or boats, or other fishing outfit so found, having
been or being used in violating any of the provisions
of this Act, and to bring such offender or offenders
before a Justice of the Peace most accessable or con-
venient, to be dealt with as herein provided.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall and may
be lawful for any citizen or citizens, having knowl-
edge of the violation of the provisions of this Act, to
arrest any person or persons so a? aforesaid violating
the provisions of this Act, and to bring such offender
or offenders before any Justice of the Peace, to be
dealt with according to the provisions of this Act.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if upon the hearing,
in any case of seizure as aforesaid, the Justice of the
Peace is satisfied that the owner, or person or persons
having charge of the property so seized, is guilty of
violating any of the provisions of this Act which
imposes a forfeiture of such property for such viola-
tion, then such Justice shall adjudge the same to be
condemned and sold by the Sheriff" or any Constable
after ten days public notice, and the Justice may
proceed exparte to hear and determine any question
of forfeiture, if the owner or owners fail to appear
after the notice herein required to be given; and in
all cases, arising under this Act, an appeal may be
taken to the Circuit Court for Saint Mary's county,
subject to the same laws and rules that govern in
other cases of appeal from the decisions of Justices
of the Peace.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted. That the sheriff or con-
stable, or other party or parties making the seizure
of property under this Act, if they do not know the
name of the owner, or the person having charge
thereof, he may describe him in the notice he is re-
quired to give as the owner of the property, Without


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3297   View pdf image (33K)
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