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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3296   View pdf image (33K)
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eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter sixty-one,
entitled " an Act for the protection pi fish and terra-
pins in Saint Mary's county, and to regulate the time
and manner of catching and taking fish and terrapins
in that portion of the Potomac River, between Cobb'a
Point in Charles county and Point Lookout in Saint
Mary's county, be and the same is hereby repealed,:
and the following substituted in lien thereof.
SEC. 2. And be il enacted (erected, That it shall not be.
lawful for any person or persons, except bonafide
citizens of Saint Mary's county, to haul a seine in
any of the tributaries of the Potomac River, lying
and being in Saint Mary's county, or to take or
catch terrapins in any of the aforementioned tribu-
taries or waters; nor shall it be lawful for any
person or persons, except bona fide citizens of Charles
and Saint Mary's counties, to haul a seine or catch
or take terrapins in the Wicomico River or its
SEC. 3. And be It enacted, That it shall not he law-
ful for any person or persons to haul a seine of more
than eighty fathoms in length, within a mile of the
Maryland shore, in that portion of the Potomac
River, between Cobb's Point in Charles county and
Point Lookout in Saint Mary's county, except from
the fifteenth day of March to the fifteenth day of
May inclusive.
SEC\. 4. And be it enacted, That any person or per-
sons violating the provisions of either of the pre-
-ceding sections of this Act, shall pay a fine of not
less than five nor more than fifty dollars, in the
discretion of the Justice of the Peace before whom
the party or parties may be taken, and forfeit abso-
lutely the boat or boats, and vessel in his or their
possession, together with the seine or seines, tackle
and all things on board the said vessel, boat or boats
at the time the offence may have been committed.
SEC. 5). And be it enacted. That upon information
given upon oath, to any Justice of the Peace, of a
violation of any of the provision of this Act, he shall
issue his warrant for the arrest of the offender or
offenders, and for the seizure of the vessel, boat or

Not lawful
for non-resident.
Time allow'd
for hauling
To issue war-
rant for
arrest of.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3296   View pdf image (33K)
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