Elect mem-
Sinking fund
In force.
aments of said corporation, but that the money, prop-
erty, rights and credits of said corporation, and
nothing more, shall be liable for the same.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the directors of
said corporation, or a majority of them, attending any
meeting of the board, may elect, by ballot, any other
person or persons as member or members of the said
SEC. 5. And be. it enacted. That one-fifth of the
net earnings of the said corporation shall be annu-
ally set apart and reserved as a sinking fund for the
security of the depositors.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
State Libra-
rian to furn-
ish books.
AN ACT authorizing and directing the State Libra-
rian to furnish from the State Library, for the use
of the Circuit Court for Washington county, a full
set of the decisions of the Court of Appeals and
of the Acts of Assembly, and other books.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the State Librarian be and lie is
hereby authorized and directed to furnish from the
copies on hand in the library, for the use of the
Circuit Court for Washington county, a full set of
the reports of the decisions of the Court of Appeals,
and of the Acts of Assembly, indexes, &c., and a
copy of the several digests of the Code and its sup-
plements, Ryans' Practice, Barroll's Chancery Prac-
tice, Bland's Chancery Reports, Maryland Chancery
Decisions, Digest of the decisions construing the
Statutes of Maryland, and Alexander's British Stat-