SEC. 9. And he It enacted. That all money, the pro-
ceeds of sale of said bonds, to be expended in the
construction" of said water-works shall be so expend-
ed only upon the joint order in writing of said Water
Board and Mayor and Council upon the Treasurer
of said corporation, who is hereby required to keep
an account of the said fund and moneys separate
from all other funds of the said corporation; and the
said Mayor and Council and Water Board shall first
proceed to find and procure an abundant supply of
water, before expending any of said funds in any
other branch of said water-works; and the amount
of money so to he expended shall be designated and
appropriated only by and with the advice and con-
sent of the said Water Board, or a majority of them,
it being the meaning of this Act that the water to he
supplied to the said Town of Hagerstown shall he
soft water.
SEC. 10. And be It enacted, That when said water-
works shall have been completed, they shall be under
the exclusive control of said corporation, which is
hereby authorized and required to make all needful
and necessary regulations touching the same, and to
appoint and' pay a superintendent and such other
agents as may be required.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That this Act shall take
effect as soon as ratified by the majority of the qual-
ified voters of the said town at any ensuing election.
Approved April 1, 1872.
How money
shall he ex-
Control of
In force.