officers; and
In force
conferred upon them by the resolutions and by-laws
of said company.
7. The director"-! of said company, four of whom
shall always constitute a (quorum for the transaction
of' business, shall select one of their own number to
act as President of said company, who shall have
such powers and authority and perform such duties
as President as may be prescribed by the by-laws of
said company; and the said directors shall have
power to appoint and remove all officers, agents and
servants of the said company, and conduct all its
business of every kind, to borrow money at any
time, and from time to time, as in their judgment
the exigencies of the company may require; and to
execute, if deemed by them necessary and expedient,
any deed or deeds of mortgage as security for the
fulfillment by said company of any of its contracts
or other liabilities.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage, and the General
Assembly reserves the right to alter, amend or repeal
tills Act at pleasure.
Approved April 1, 1872.
AN ACT to provide for the introduction of a sup-
ply of soft water into the Town of Hagerstown by
means of water-works, appointing a Water Board
for that purpose, and authorizing the Mayor and
Council of Hagerstown to provide means for the
construction of said work.
WHEREAS, the citizens of Hagerstown have peti-
tioned the General Assembly for an Act to authorize
the Mayor and Council thereof to introduce a sup-
ply of water into said town, for protection against