the benefit of the State Normal School, shall be held
in trust by the State Board of Education.
SEC. 10. The State Board of Education shall, on or
before the fifteenth day of January in each and every
year, make a report to the Governor of the condition
of the schools of the State, a statement of the appor-
tionment of money to the counties and the City of (
Baltimore for the support of schools, an abstract of
the reports received from the Board of Comity
School Commissioners, together with such sugges-
tions for the improvement of schools and the ad-
vancement of public education as the State Board of
Education shall deem expedient.
SEC. 11. And the Governor shall cause three thou-
sand copies of said report to be printed and dis-
tributed to the members of the Legislature in those
years in which there is no session of the Legislature.
(CHAPTER XIII.—Teachers' Institutes.
SUCTION 1. A teachers' institute, to continue five.'
days, shall be held during vacation in each county
once a year, and the County Examiner shall be
present, and shall give normal instruction to the
teachers each day.
SEP. 2. The Principal of the State Normal School
shall fix the time of the meeting of the institute, and
it shall be the duty of the County Examiner to notify
each teacher of the time and place of meeting.
SEC. 3. These institutes being designed as tempo-
rary Normal Schools, shall he presided over by the
Principal or one of the Professors of the State Nor-
mal School, if he can be present, assisted by the
County Examiner, and any member of the Board of
County School Commissioners who may choose to
SEC. 4. The President of the Board of County
School Commissioners shall select the place of
Report to the
Governor to
have printed.
Fix time. of
Design of.
Select the