Course of
Support of.
fications from any other portion of the State in the
proportion aforesaid.
SEC. 6. In addition to the students admitted from
the counties and the City of Baltimore, who shall
enjoy all the privileges of the schools and be fur-
nished with the use of the text hooks free of charge,
there may be admitted in 'lie proportion of one to
two of the scholars selected by the Board of City and
County School Commissioners, other persons having
the requisite qualifications who shall pay the sum of
twenty-five dollars per session; and purchase their
own text hooka, and be subject in every respect to.
the same rules and regulations as the other students,- provided, that the number of students sent by the
State shall not exceed two hundred, and as long as
this number is not exceeded by the State, or after it
shall have been reached by the State, all remaining
vacancies may be filled by pay scholars to the full
capacity of the school.
SEC. 7. The State Board of Education shall pre-
scribe the course of study, and supervise the school
in every particular not provided for in this law;
they shall make provisions for model and experimen-
tal primary and grammar schools, under qualified
teachers, in which the students of the Normal School
shall have an opportunity to practice the modes of
instruction and discipline inculcated in the Normal
School. The salaries of the teachers of the model
and experimental schools shall be paid in part from the
tuition fees derived from the pupils of said model
SEC. 8. The annual sum of ninety-five hundred.
dollars is hereby appropriated for the support of the
Normal School, to be paid in quarterly installments.
by the Treasurer, on the warrant of the Comptroller,,
to the State Board of Education, and to be applied.
to the payment of teachers salaries, and the purchase of educational apparatus; for the salary of the Prin-
cipal of the Normal School, for text books, stationery,.
fuel, light and other incidental expenses of the schools.
SEC. 9. All donations or bequests of money or per-
sonal property, and all grants or devises of lands for