AN ACT to incorporate the Baltimore, Peabody
Heights and Waverly Passenger Railroad.
SECTION 1. .Be i{ enacted by the General Assemble of.
Maryland That Charles Webb, Henry Taylor, Wil-
liam Devreise, Reverend Franklin Wilson, H. L.
Whitridge, diaries E. Dickey, William a. Whitely,
be and they are hereby made a body corporate and
politic by the name and style of the Baltimore, Pea-
body Heights and Waverly Passenger Railroad, and
by that name shall have perpetual succession, and be
capable to sue and be sued, to make and use a com-
mon seal, make and pass by-laws not inconsistent
with the laws of this State or the United States: to
acquire, use, hold, encumber and dispose of all
necessary real estate and other property, to issue
bonds and evidences of debt, and secure the same by
mortgage of its property and net revenues and tolls,
and in general to exercise all such other corporate
powers which may be necessary, proper and conve-
nient to effectuate the objects and purposes of this
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the corporation, by
this Act created, is hereby invested with all neces-
sary power to lay down and construct, maintain, use
and operate passenger railways in the City of Balti-
more, on all such streets or parts of streets as may
be designated in any ordinance or ordinances, which
may be passed on the subject by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, and upon such terms and
subject to such conditions as may be made by such
ordinance or ordinances, and to receive and to take
such tolls and fares as may be designated by such
ordinance or ordinances.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said company shall be the sum of one hundred and
twenty-five thousand dollars, divided into shares of
twenty-five dollars each, which shall be liable to tax-
ation as other property of like kind, and be invested
in the parties named in the first section until the
opening of books for subscription as hereinafter
Name and
Capability in
To lay down
and construct
Capital stock.