AN ACT to pay Henry O. Connell a sum of money
for use of his warehouse as an armory.
WHEREAS, It appears to the General Assembly of
Maryland that George W. Clotworthy, Captain of
Battery "A," Artillery, Maryland National Guards,
Lieut. Lewis E. Herring, and other officers of said
battery, are indebted to Henry O. Connell in the sum
of one hundred and eighty-six dollars and sixty-seven
cents, for the use and occupation of his warehouse
in the City of Baltimore, as an armory for said com-
panies of artillery; and whereas, said debt was in-
curred Just prior to the passage of the Act of eighteen
hundred and [and] seventy, chapter one hundred and
eighty-two, which makes provision for payment of
armories; and whereas, said officers became liable
in their efforts to promote the public service, and it
is just and equitable to relieve them from the pay-
ment of the aforesaid debt; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the sum of one hundred and eighty-
six dollars and sixty-seven cents be and the same is
hereby appropriated, out of any unappropriated funds
in the treasury, for the use of said Henry O. Conn ell,
in full satisfaction of his claim hereinabove men-
tioned; and the Treasurer is hereby authorized,
upon the warrant of the Comptroller, to pay to the
said Henry O. Connell the said sum of one hundred
and eighty-six dollars and sixty-seven cents.
SEC. 2. And be if enacted. That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
in favor of
Henry O.
la force-