for the pro-
motion of
interests of
the State.
Entitled to
AN ACT for the promotion and improvement of
Agriculture, and the Mechanical and Household
Arts, in the State of Maryland.
SEC. 1, -Be it enacted by the (Genral Assembly of
Maryland, That for the promotion of the agricultural
interests of the State, the sum of five thousand dollars
be and the same is hereby appropriated to the Mary-
land State Agricultural and Mechanical Association,
and that the sum of one thousand dollars, be and the
same is hereby appropriated, each to the Agri-
cultural Societies of Frederick, Allegany, Montgom-
ery, Washington and Carroll counties respectively,
and annually thereafter -\, sum of equal amount to
that paid by the member, of the said societies into
their treasury; affidavits of which fact and the amount
so raised by the Treasurers of the said societies, being
first filed with the Comptroller of the State; provided,
that such sums shall not exceed for the State Society,
two thousand dollars, and for the county societies,
five hundred dollars each in any one year.
SEP. 2. Awl he it enacted, That when any number
of individuals shall organize themselves into an Agri-
cultural Society, or any Agricultural Society now
organized within any counties of this State, shall
have adopted a constitution and by-laws for the gov-
ernment, elected their officers, and raised annually
by the voluntary contribution of its members, any
sum of money which shall have been actually paid
into their treasury, for the purpose of being dis-
bursed for the promotion of agricultural knowledge
and improvements, and. that fact be attested by the
affidavit of their President and Treasurer, and filed
with the Comptroller of the State, the said county
society shall be entitled to receive annually a like
sum from the State Treasurer; pun-tiled, that said
annual payment to said county society shall not
exceed five hundred dollars; prodded further, that but
one such society in any county shall be entitled to
receive such appropriation in any one year under
this Act.
Approved April 1, 1872.