Not to mark
or stamp
drifted logs.
Penalty for
null and void.
In force.
AN ACT for the better protection of land owners
bordering on the Chesapeake Bay and its trib-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That any owner or claimants of logs, east
by wind and tide upon the land or shore of the
Chesapeake Bay or its tributaries, or any person or
persons, for him or them, who shall wilfully mark,
stamp, imprint or indent any log or logs laying and
being upon any of the land or shore contguous to and
laying upon the bay or its tributaries, shall forfeit
and pay, upon conviction thereof, not less than one
hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, or be
imprisoned in the county jail of the county wherein
he may be convicted, for a term not less than four
months, nor more than two years, or both fine and
imprisonment, in the discretion of the court; twenty-
five per cent. of the fine to go to the informer, and
the remainder to the Public School Fund of the
county wherein the offence was committed, after the
expenses of the trial have been paid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That any judgment against
any land owner or his tenant, for logs drifted and
cast by wind and tide upon the land or shore of the
Chesapeake Bay or its tributar, is null, and void, and
of no effect whatever, unless the owner or claimants
of the logs shall have actually paid to the land owner
or his tenant, not less than twenty-five cents for each
and every log claimed by him, the said owner.
SEC. 3. And be if enacted, That all Acts or parts of
Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be
and the same are hereby repealed.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.