Penalty for
wilful use of
Duty of
parents and
character and standing, whose duty it shall be to-
keep on hand, and to procure as often as may be
necessary, pure vaccine virus, and to furnish such vi-
rus to the physicians of the State gratuitously when
called for. He shall keep a record of the name and
location of each physician so furnished with virus,
together with the (quanties, qualities and number of
times. He shall be required to advertise once a
month in one or more of the newspapers published
in the City of Baltimore, and once during the year
(three insertions) in one paper of each county. He
shall for his services as State Vaccine Agent, receive
an annual salary of six hundred dollars, and to de-
fray the expenses incurred by him in procuring reli-
able vaccine virus; and to further carry out the pro-
visions of this Act, the additional sum of fourteen
hundred dollars is hereby appropriated; said salary
to be paid in quarterly installments, as other State
officers are now paid; provided that it shall be com-
petent for the Governor, at any time, to remove said
agent for neglect, incompency, or unfaithfulness of
any kind, and in case of death, resignation or re-
moval for any of such causes, to appoint another in bis
stead, who shall hold office for the unexpired term
of such agent.
SEC. 5. Any physician who shall knowingly and
wilfully use any virus defective in its nature, by
having passed through a scrofulous system, from hav-
ing been taken from one laboring under any disease
of the skin, chronic, sore or febrile, or other disease,
during the progress of the vaccine disease, or any
crust which, during the progress of said vaccine dis-
ease, was punctured, or had sustained other injury,
shall, upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a sum
not less than one hundred nor more than five hun-
dred dollars for each offence.
SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of every parent and
guardian to have his or her child vaccinated within
twelve months after its birth, if it shall be in proper
condition, or as soon thereafter as practicable; and if
such parent or guardian shall have any other person
under his or her control or care, not duly vaccinated,
he or she shall cause such person or persons to be