in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less
than fifty dollars, for each and every article so ex-
posed for sale.
SEC. 105. If any auctioneer shall sell any goods or
property other than such as he is authorized to sell by
the terms of his license, he shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and shall be subject to presentment
and indictment in the Criminal Court of Baltimore,
and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum
not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than fifty
dollars for each and every article so sold.
SEC. 117. No auctioneer shall authorize or permit
any person whatever to sell any property of any de-
scription whatever, under and by virtue of his license,
except the person so authorized or permitted is act-
ually and bona fide in the employment of such auc-
tioneer, and is actually and bona fide. a resident of
Baltimore city at the time of such employment, and
the commissions on such sales are actually and bona
fide for the benefit of such auctioneer, and no license
shall be construed to authorize the holder to sell at
more than one regular establishment, but an auc-
tioneer may sell public stocks, houses, lots and furni-
ture, or ships or vessels on the premises when the
same may be, or at the exchange, or goods in the
original form and packages as imported, and bulky
articles such as have been usually sold in warehouses
or in the public streets or on the wharves, at such
other places within the city as shall be desired by the
owner or importer of such bulky articles or imported
SEC. 118. If any auctioneer shall violate any of the
provisions of the last preceding section, he shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor for every such vio-
lation, and shall be subject to presentment and in-
dictment in the Criminal Court of Baltimore, and on
conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not ex-
ceeding two hundred dollars, nor less than one hun-
dred dollars.
SEC. 119. Every Auctioneer shall, within thirty.
days after the first days of January, April, July and'
October of the year for which he shall have been'
Penalty for
tor selling
goods other
than autho-
Not to per-
mit others to
sell under
Penalty for
violating pro-
visions of
this Act
to render ac-count of sales