Quarterly re-
persons not
to sell by
Penalty for.
Penalty for
selling with-
out entering
and license.
of goods, wares and merchandise of every kind and
real estate, and may exercise all the rights and privi-
leges of a general auctioneer to the extent and
amount of the sum prescribed in said sections; and
he shall make under oath quarterly returns to the
Comptroller of the City of Baltimore, showing the-
full amount of his sales of every kind, distinguishing
his sales of goods, wares and merchandise, and per-
sonal effects of every kind from his sales of real es-
tate and houses, but any auctioneer taking out a
special license, as provided in article four, section
eighty-six, of Public Local Laws, in regard to auc-
tions in Baltimore city, to sell at public auction
stocks of any banks or other incorporated institu-
tions, State or city loans, shall not be required to
make any return of sales of such securities, and if
any auctioneer under said license shall sell any
amount exceeding the sum named in the last pre-
ceding section, he shall be subject to all the penal-
ties hereinafter imposed upon auctioneers who shall
sell without license.
SEC. 103. If any person or persons, not appointed
and authorized in the manner herein directed,
nor by nor under some official authority under
the laws of the United States, shall sell or attempt
to sell any goods, wares, merchandise or effects of
any kind, real estate, or vessels in the City of Balti-
more by public auction, he shall be considered guilty
of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to present-
ment and indictment in the Criminal Court of Balti-
more city, and shall on conviction be fined in a sum
not exceeding five hundred dollars nor less than one
hundred dollars, or be imprisoned for a term not ex-
ceeding three months, or both, at the discretion of the
SEC. 104. If any auctioneer shall sell any goods,,
wares, merchandise, or effects of any kind, or real
estate, or vessels by way of public auction without
having entered into the recognizance and paid the
license fee hereinbefore required, he shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to
presentment and indictment in the Criminal Court of
Baltimore, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined