Bailiff to
To give bond
Justices of
the Peace to
nuisances and
pensation as they may deem reasonable, and may
remove either of said officers at pleasure.
SEC. 9. And he it enacted, That the bailiff shall be'
appointed from among the citizens of Salisbury,
qualified to vote for commissioners, and before enter-
ing upon the duties of his office, he shall make oath
before a Justice of the Peace, that he will faithfully
and impartially perform the duties imposed upon
him by this Act, and the by-laws and ordinances of.'
said commissioners, and shall execute to the State of
Maryland, a bond with two good and sufficient sun-
ties, to be approved by said commissioners, in such
penalty as they shall prescribe, conditioned that he
shall well, and truly, and faithfully perform the duties
of said office in all things appertaining thereto, accor-
ding to law, and shall well and truly collect and pay
over as directed by said commissioners, all taxes
levied by them, and all other sums of money that
may be collected by him for the use of said corpora-
tion. It shall be the duty of said bailiff to pre-
serve order and to enforce the ordinances of the said
town, and in the execution of the duties of his office,
he shall have all and the same powers as Constables
in criminal cases, and be entitled to the same fees.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the justices of the
Peace resident in said town, shall have power to en-
force this Act, and all ordinances passed by the com-
missioners of said town thereunder, and for that pur-
pose to impose any fine or other punishment thereby
provided, and shall have the same power to enforce
the payment of such fines, and the inflicting of such
punishment as they now have in criminal cases.
SEC. 11. And he it enacted. That the commissioners.
of said town shall cause all nuisances and obstruc-
tions that may interrupt the passage or injure the
health of the inhabitants of said town, to be re-
moved from the streets, lanes or alleys thereof, and
may provide for the mending, repairing and cleaning
of the same, and shall have power to prohibit by
ordinance the placing of any filth, dirt or other
matter therein, or the throwing or permitting any-
thing to pass in the Wicomico River having a ten-