AN ACT to repeal " an Act" to repeal, amend and
re-enact the Act entitled " an Act to revive the
Act of incorporation of the town of Salisbury, in
Somerset and Worcester counties," chapter three
hundred and fifty-six, of Public Local Laws for
Somerset county, passed March tenth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, and to add new sections
thereto, ratifying and confirming certain Acts of
the commissioners of said town, and for other pur-
poses, and the supplements thereto, and to enact
an Act to incorporate the town of Salisbury, in
Wicomico county:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Man/land, That tire Act of eighteen hundred and
sixty-seven, chapter three hundred and seventy-seven,
entitled an Act to repeal, amend, and [and] re-enact
the Act entitled " an Act to revive the Act of incor-
poration of the town of Salisbury, in Somerset and
Worcester counties," chapter three hundred and
fifty-six, of Public Local Laws, for Somerset county,
passed March tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-
four, and to add new section thereto, ratifying and
confirming certain Acts of the commissioners of said
town, and for other purposes," and the supplements
thereto, he and the same are hereby repealed, and
the following enacted in lieu thereof.
SEC. 2. Be it enacted. That the inhabitants of the
town of Salisbury, in Wicomico county, are a body
corporate, by the name of the Commissioners of Salis-
bury, and by that name may sue and be sued, may
purchase and hold real, and personal, and mixed
property, or dispose of the same for the benefit of
said town, and may have and use a common seal,
which may be altered at pleasure.
SEC. 3. Be it enacted. That the bounds of Salisbury
shall be as follows: beginning at a stone on the north
side of "the* steamboat road, and on the east side of
amended and
Bounds of