seventy, and approved April the fourth of said year,
entitled "An Act to add additional sections to article
sixty-nine, of the Code of Public General Laws, en-
titled 'officers,' regulating and describing the number
and compensation of officers of the Senate and House
of Delegates, and repealing all Acts inconsistent
therewith," be and the same is hereby repealed.
SEC. 2. And he it enacted. That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
In force.
AN ACT to provide for taking the vote of the peo-
ple for or against a new county in certain election
districts in Allegany county at the election to be
held in the fall of eighteen hundred and seventy-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Man/land, That all that part of Allegany county
lying south and west of a line beginning at the sum-
mit of Big Back Bone or Savage Mountain, where
that mountain is crossed by Mason's and Dixon's
line, and running thence by a straight line to the
middle of Savage River where it empties into the
Potomac River; thence by a straight line to the
nearest point or boundary of the State of West Virginia; then with the said boundary to the Fairfax
tone shall be a new county to he called the county
of Garrett; provided the provisions of this Act as to
taking census of the people and the area of the said
new county, and the sense of the people therein,
shall be complied with in accordance with the Con-
stitution of this State.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted. That the Judges of Elec-
tion in each of such districts as may be embraced by
said survey, shall, at the election for President and
Make a new
Meets and.
Duty of
Judges of