steam guage.
Limit desired
to be certified
Duty of the
adjusted so as to allow no greater pressure in the
boiler or boilers than the amount prescribed in the
certificate of inspection; that there is a sufficient
number of guage-cocks, a steam guage, a coupling
cock in suitable position for attaching the hydrostatic
test, that means for blowing out are provided so as
to thoroughly remove the mud and sediment from
all parts of the boilers when they are under the
pressure of steam, and that fusible metals are
properly inserted so as to fuse by the heat of the
furnaces when the water in the boilers shall fall
below the prescribed limits, and that adequate and
certain provision is made for an ample supply of
water at all times; when the inspection is completed
and the inspector approves the boiler, he shall make
and subscribe a certificate of inspection, stating the
condition of the boiler, the number of years or
months it has been in use, and the pressure of steam
allowed; and no greater pressure than that allowed
by the certificate shall be applied to such boiler; in
limiting pressure, whenever the boiler under test
1 will, with safety, bear the same, the limit desired by
the owner shall be the one certified, and such certifi-
cate of inspection shall be framed under glass and
kept in some conspicuous place on the premises
where said boiler or boilers referred to are used; and.
if the inspector shall deliver or cause to be delivered
to the ow ner or renter of any boiler or boilers, a cer-
tificate of inspection, without having first subjected
the said boiler to the tests as herein provided, he
shall forfeit his bond, and upon conviction shall be
removed from office by the Governor.
! SEC. 7. And be it further exacted, That in addition
to the annual inspection, it shall be the duty of the
inspector to examine all boilers within the limits of
their respective districts once at least in every three
months, and if deemed necessary, apply the hydro-
static test; and if, on such examination, the inspector
shall find evidence of deterioration in strength, he
shall revoke the certificate and issue another, assign-
ing a lower rate of pressure, and if the defect be of such
character as to make the boiler dangerous, the in-
spector shall notify the owner or renter in writing,
stating in the notice what is required, and order the