culation in said city, of the time and manner in
which they shall receive the reports of the locations
of steam boilers.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That every owner
or renter using a steam boiler or boilers in said city
shall, within ten days after the publication of the
aforesaid notice, report to the inspector of the dis-
trict the location of such boiler or -boilers, under a
penalty of fifty dollars for each day a boiler is used
-and neglected to be reported.
SEC. 5. And be it farther enacted, That the inspector
of each district shall give six days' notice in writing
to each owner or renter of a steam boiler or boilers,
or the engineer or person in charge, of the time
when he will inspect such boiler or boilers, and such
owner or renter shall have such boiler or boilers
ready for inspection, in compliance with the require-
ments of said notice, and shall furnish such assist-
ance as the inspector may require, under a penalty
of fifty dollars for such failure or neglect, and a
further penalty of fifty dollars for each day any such
boiler is used without a certificate of inspection.
SEC. G. And be it further enacted, That it shall be
the duty of each inspector, as soon as practicable,
after the passage of this Act, and once at least in
every year thereafter, to inspect all stationary steam
boilers of three horse power and upwards, used
within the limits of his district, subjecting them to a
hydrostatic test of at least twenty-five per cent. in
excess of the steam pressure allowed, and satisfy
himself by a thorough external and internal exami-
nation (if possible) with a hammer, that the boilers
are free from danger from corrosion or other defects,
are well made of good material, the openings for the
passage of water and steam respectively, and all pipe?
and tubes exposed to heat are of proper dimensions and free from obstruction; that the flues and tubes,
if any, are circular in form, the furnaces in propel
shape, and the fire line of the furnace is at least two
inches below the minimum water line of the boilers,
and shall also satisfy himself that the safety-valves
are of suitable dimensions, sufficient in number and
well arranged, and that the weights are properly
Owner or
renter using
steam boiler.
Inspector to
give notice.
Duty of the
i Flues and