and he is hereby requested and directed to issue his
rant to pay
"warrant upon the Treasurer to pay Glenn and Com-
for publish'g
list of de-
pany three hundred and sixty dollars; to W. E. We-
ber, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars; to Wm.
T. Iglehart and Company, two hundred and thirty-
seven dollars; to A. Chamberlain and Company, two
hundred and thirty-seven dollars; to E. M. Yerger
and Company, three hundred and sixty dollars; to
W. H. Ruby, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars;
to George Colton and Son, two hundred and thirty-
seven dollars; to Frederick Raine, three hundred
and sixty dollars; to Cole and Laffan, for the use of
Robert Fowler, two hundred and thirty-seven dol-
lars; to Daniel Lee, two hundred and thirty-seven
dollars; to Parran and Williams, two hundred and
thirty-seven dollars; to Charles E. Tarr, two hun-
dred and thirty-seven dollars; to W. H. Vanderford,
two hundred and thirty-seven dollars; to George W.
Cruikshank, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars;
to Elijah Wells, two hundred and thirty-seven dol-
lars; to Clement Sullivane, two hundred and thirty-
seven dollars; to J. W. Baughman, two hundred
and thirty-seven dollars; to P. II. Rutledge and
Company, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars; to
.John R. Brown, Jr., two hundred and thirty-seven
dollars; to Plummer and Usilton, two hundred and
thirty-seven dollars; to Mrs. R. G. Fields, two hun-
dred and thirty-seven dollars; to Joseph II. Johnson,
two hundred and thirty-seven dollars; to Charles
Cole, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars; to E.
W. Baker, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars; to
E. E. Perkins, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars;
to George W. Wilson, two hundred and thirty-seven
dollars; to W. W. Busteed, two hundred and thirty-
seven dollars; to James S. Downs, two hundred and
thirty-seven dollars; to Thomas J. Turner, two hun-
dred and thirty-seven dollars; to Polk and McClem-
my, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars; to Thos.
K. Robson, two hundred and thirty-seven dollars; to
to A. G. and M. W. Boyd, two hundred and thirty-
seven dollars; to J. C. Bell, two hundred and thirty-
seven dollars; to B. E. Smith, two hundred and
thirty-seven dollars; to G. W. Fontaine, two hundred
and thirty-seven dollars; to Julius A. Johnson, two