by section three, of this Act, and all the capital
stock: paid in, and all the estate and property, real
and personal, claims and effects of the corporation,
shall be bound for any contracts made, or liabilities
incurred by or under the authority of the said cor-
poration or its agents, for its use or account.
SEC. 7. That executors, administrators, guardians,
and all other trustees who may hold stock in their
representative capacity, shall be entitled to represent
the same without being subject to any personal
liability therefor, or on account thereof; and that
persons holding stock, pledged by the owners thereof
as collateral security, shall not be held personally
subject to any liability as stockholders, and shall not
he entitled to represent the said stock at the meet-
ings of the stockholders, but the owners thereof shall
be entitled to such representation as fully as though
such pledge had not been given; and proceed,
further, that the Legislature hereby reserves the
right to amend, alter or repeal this Act at pleasure.
SEC- 8. And be it enacted That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
May hold
In force.
AN ACT to repeal section two, of chapter two
hundred and sixty-six, entitled " an Act to regulate
the manufacture and sale of oils for illuminating
purposes," passed January session, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy, and to re-enact the same so as
to read as follows:
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of:
Maryland, That section two, chapter two hundred and
sixty-six, passed January session, eighteen hundred
and seventy, entitled " an Act to regulate the manu-
facture and sale of oil for illuminating purposes," be