AN ACT to allow an additional clerk in the office of
Treasurer of this State.
{SECTION 1. Be if enacted by the' Generall Assembly of
Maryland, That (lie Treasurer of the State be and he
is hereby authorized to employ an additional clerk,
at a salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum.
SEC. '2. And he it enacted, That this is Act shall take
.effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 27, 1872.
Employ additional clerk
In force |
AN ACT to authorize the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of Montgomery county, to place certain
fees in the hands of the Sheriffs of the several
counties of this State and the City of Baltimore,
for collection.
WHEREAS, E. B. Prettyman, Clerk of the Circuit
Court for Montgomery county, has failed to place
his fees since June term, eighteen hundred and sixty-
eight, of said Court, in the hands of the Sheriff's of
the several counties of tills State and the City of
Baltimore, for collection: therefore
SECTION 1. Be if enacted by the' Genera] Assembly of
Maryland, That all fees due E. IB. Prettyman, Clerk
of the Circuit Court for Montgomery county, which
have occurred since June term, eighteen hundred
and sixty-eight, of said Court, shall be received and
collected by the Sheriff's of the several counties of
this State and of the City of Baltimore, in the same
manner as fees due such officers have been heretofore
collected, and such Sheriffs shall use and have the
same means of enforcing payment of, and collecting
Preamble-! -
Sheriff!-, to
collect fees
due- E.B
Enforce pay-