Right; to ap-
Give bond
In force.
first Monday of November in each year, and that his.
official bond shall be liable for the prompt payment
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That any party or part-
ies against -whom any Justice of the Peace may
render a judgment under this Act, either to pay a
fine or condemnation of property, may at any time
within ten days from the rendition of such judgment,
appeal from such judgment to the Circuit Court for
said county, but no execution or sale shall be stayed
unless the party appealing shall give bond with
surety to the State of Maryland, in double the value
of the property condemned, or of the fine imposed,
as the case may be, said security or securities to be
resident or residents of said county, and who shall
swear or affirm that he or they are worth double the
amount of the property condemned, with condition!
to prosecute such appeal with effect, and to pay the
value of the property condemned and imposed, and
all costs attending such proceeding, in case such
judgment shall be confirmed, and in all cases of ap-
peal either party shall be entitled to trial by jury.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1872.
AN ACT amendatory of an Act passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, chapter
three hundred and fifty-eight, entitled " An Act
incorporating the Union Plank or Turnpike Road
Company in Montgomery county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Mart/land, That the name of the Union Plank or
Turnpike Road Company, as incorporated under the
Act passed at December session, eighteen hundred