Charge tolls.
In force
1. .Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland
That upon the finishing and perfecting of the Green
Spring Avenue from the northern boundary of Druid
Hill Park, late the property of Lloyd N. Rogers, and
referred to as such in the Acts of winch this is a sup-
plement, to the Pimlico road, in said Acts mentioned,
the said company shall be and they are hereby author-
ized to charge-and receive the tolls that they would
have been authorized to charge and receive had they
finished and perfected the said avenue to said Pim-
lico Church, or meeting house, from the northern
avenue of the City of Baltimore, through Druid Hill
Park, as required by existing laws.
4. And be it enacted, That the direction as to route,
prescribed in the original Act to incorporate the
Green Spring Avenue Company and the supplement
thereto, be and the same are hereby repealed, and.
the said company is hereby authorized to lay out and
construct the said avenue between the Woodberry
lane and the road leading from the Falls turnpike
road to Stump's mill, and thence in such direction as
the company may deem proper and most expedient,
and upon such plan of construction as they may con-
sider best suited to the convenience of the public
using said road.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 28, 1872.
AN ACT to repeal chapter one hundred and twenty-
nine of the Laws, passed at January session, eighteen
hundred and seventy, and to re-enact the same
with amendments, relating to the taking of oysters
with scoops in the waters of Fishing Bay and
Honga River, in Dorchester county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That chapter one hundred and twenty-